I get up and walk out of my bed. I decide to go have a look around the childrens ward. I try my best not to bash my arm, but it turns out I can't.
As I look at all the ward names, I see one that catches my attention. The cancer ward. I take a peak in and see little children woddle around.
"Need any help Miss?" Someone asked.
"Oh. No. I'm good. Just exploring."I explain. I walk away from the cancer ward and then stop. My father died of leukimia when I was one. I slowly walk back to my room. Halfway there, I feel a little tug at my hospital gown. I look down and see a little hairless girl.
" What are you doing here, hey?" I ask softly.
"Seagull!" She says. Okay..
"Oh, there you are Tilly! Never run away again!" A nurse cried. Tilly seemed sweet.
"Bye Tilly!" I say and wave. She waves back! So cute. I walk back into my room and fall asleep.
I wake up and glance at the clock. 9:19am. I get up and go get something from the vending machiene. I'm only meant to eat food the nurses provide, but today is special.. Not. I get there and find 5 dollars under the machiene. Lucky or what?! I buy a Kit Kat and buy a bottle of water. Well, flavoured water anyway. As I turn around, I see Tilly standing there.
"Hey missy, shouldn't you be in your room?" I ask.
"Can you pway with me?"She asks.
"Okay then," I grab her hand and walk over to the playroom. We play with some Barbie dolls, before Tilly has to go. I wave to her, and she waves back. It's sad to know that she only has a few years left to live.
I walk back into my room and sit there. The TV is broken, only allowed 3 meals a day, nobody ever visits me and I can't do anything.
I open my Kit Kat and take a bite. Haven't had chocolate in ages! Thats when a nurse comes in and askes what I want for breakfast. I hide my chocolate and ask for some toast.
After she is gone, I look around in the little cabniet next to my bed. Nothing much.
The nurse comes back with my toast and I pick at it. I don't like toast much. Someone knocks on the door, and I was.surprised to see Ian standing there.
"Hey bowly!" I say.
"Hey Lianna!" Ian replies. Lianna is my real name, but I got it changed by Nelly.
"S'up?" I say, stabbing my toast with a spoon.
"Not much? Why are you killing the poor innocent toast?"
"'Cus it got sunburnt and told me to kill it."
"Okay... Anywho. I wanted to tell you something."
"Okay! Sit down!"
Ian sits down and starts talking about how Anthony loves me.
"Just don't tell him I told you that". He asks.
I bring out my phone and act like I'm texting. "Oh what? I just told him..". I lie.
"You didn't did you?"
"Just messing with ya bowley!"
We sit in silence for a bit. It wasn't awkward.
"What am I missing in school?" I ask,breaking the silence.
"Well, lots of revision basically. And Isaac will do anything to get you to love him." Ian says.
"I'll just play hard to get. It's happened before to me. They soon get bored."I inform.
Ian says he has to go,and I am left alone, again. I sigh as the thoughts of me being stuck in this room for 4 more weeks pass my mind.
I start to draw on my hands,and the doctor comes in to check on me.
"How are you feeling Lia?" He asks.
"I feel like eating chinese food." I answer honestly.
"We cant do anything about that unfortunatly." The doctor replies. He checks to see how well my arm is, seeing as I broke it during the fall, and then he leaves. I slowly drift of to sleep.
I wake up, and see Mrs Padilla standing there with a massive grin on her face. She looks like a creepy molester.
"You can come home today, Lia!" She says.
"Really? THANK GOD!!!!"I exclaim! I'm going home! But it isn't really home... Not for me anyway.
After a while of checks and stuff, I leave with Mrs Padilla.
"Wait," I say before we get on the lift. "I need to say goodbye to someone."
I run over to the cancer ward.
"'Cuse me, have you seen Tilly?" I ask a nurse.
"She has. Has unfortunatly passed away early hours this morning..." The nurse stutters.
"Oh... Please tell her family that I am in their deepest sympathy. My father passed away from leukimia when I was two." I say, sadly. I feel tears come to my eyes, knowing that cancer has taken away a beautiful young girl's life. The nurse passes on the message and I walk back to find Mrs Padilla.
I find her waiting by reception. We walk outside and drive back home.
When we get back, I get greeted by a hug. It takes me a while to remember who it was hugging me, but by the time I figured out it was Anthony, he had pulled away. My face was like a random stranger came up and hugged me.
"Hello? Earth to Lia?? You awake??" Anthony says, waving a hand infront of my face.
"Yeah. Unfortunatly I am awake." I reply.
"Who's Charlotte, Anthony?" Mrs Padilla asks. Anthony's eyes widen and tries to grab his phone from Mrs Padilla.
"Nobody mom. Can I have my phone back!" Anthony demands.
"N'awww... Does little Anty have a girlfriend??" His mom teased. Anthony goes a deep red and grabs his phone. Inside, I have killed Charlotte 29473929732 times. Outside, I am smiling. Why does he have a girlfriend? WHY???

Adopted. -Smosh Fan Fic- ✔COMPLETED
FanfictionLia Fernandez's parents are both dead, her older brother Robert, lives in England with their grandma, and Lia is left in adoption. When a mother and son come to adopt her, little does Lia know that she might be falling for her foster brother, Anthon...