There are some of us who constantly ask the question,
"Why am I here?"
We feel so insignificant when we look at the stars,
when we realize how small we are.
We want to leave a mark,
we want to do something important.
"There has to be a point to life, right?"
We are here for such a short time --
humanity itself has been here for such a short time.
But what if the point of life is just
to live?
What if it is just the
pursuit of happiness?
What if it is just
We try so hard to find fulfillment in worldly things.
We will never find fulfillment in worldly things.
Something extraterrestrial, bigger than the earth --
that is the only thing that can fulfill us.
Jesus is the only thing that can fulfill us.
We just have to let Him,
and that's the hardest part.
Because I think, sometimes,
we like staring into the void.
Hey y'all. Hope you've been liking my thoughts and poems. Maybe the point of life is just to be happy, but that doesn't mean we can't make a difference, even if it's just in one person's life. So please, please, if you live in the US, VOTE!!! Vote for change. Vote for climate warriors. Vote for champions of women's rights. Champions of BLM, of minorities. Your vote matters, no matter how small and insignificant you feel.

Thoughts and Poems are the Same Thing
PoetryAn ever growing collection of poems (thoughts) about everyday life and the world around us.