You are the only daughter of Bang Si-Hyuk. Nobody knows of his one night stand that lead to you. You recently lost your mother. Upon her death bed you find out he is your father.
This is the story of you, after moving to korea from america and mee...
You manage to convince everyone to go to work, insisting you can make it a day by yourself.
The maknae's have a photo shoot, Namjoon has an interview, Jin and Hobi are working on choreography so that leaves you and Yoongi home alone. Yoongi of course, is in his studio so not technically home with you.
You decide to take a hot shower, taking your time to really wash up after your intimacy with Tae and Jimin.
You're just getting out of the shower and sliding on a tshirt and jeans when your phone rings. You see it's your Appa.
"Hey Appa!" You towel wrap your hair and sit in front of your vanity, rubbing cream onto your skin and on your bites.
"Hey sweetheart. I wanted to call you and let you kno, i'm home and to apologize it took so long"
You smile even if he can't see you.
"It's okay, i understand work comes first. How was your trip?"
"It was good, unavoidable."
You hear the front door open and close and footsteps hurriedly running around the house. You almost tone your Appa out until his tone sounds worried.
"What's going on?" You make eye contact with whomever opens your bedroom door. You notice Yoongi out of breath and sweating as he pants for air.
"Is Suga there now?" Your Appa asks, making you raise your eyebrow.
"Yes.. what is going on?" You continue to stare at Yoongi who only flops on your bed grinning.
"He asked me for a favor. It's risky being so close to a comeback but when he said it involved you, i agreed. As long as you are careful. I just wanted to hear your voice when i gave you the news."
"News?" You raise an eyebrow, staring at Yoongi who rolls onto his stomach, gummy smiling at you.
"Yoongi asked me to take you out on a date"
Your jaw drops. Did he say date?
"Enjoy sweetheart" your Appa hangs up and you turn to face Yoongi.
"Surprise. I wasn't at my studio. I went to your father as i heard he just landed and well.. i asked him personally to take you out"
You get up and come over to the bed, standing in front of Yoongi. He slowly crawls forward until his face is pressed against your stomach so you reach out and run your fingers through his hair.
"So my Appa.. knows.. i.. what about the others?" You whisper softly. He looks up at you before rising to his knees.
"I can't choose for them if they go public or ask your Appa. I can only control me. I wanted time to take you out and just enjoy life. Also, you'll need to change"
You raise an eyebrow. You wait for him to leave but he simply flops on his stomach to watch. You sigh and walk to your closet.
"Comfortable, maybe shorts and tank top?" He says, then pretends not to notice. Always illusive.
You pull out your sports gear, taking a wild guess when his eyes light up at the outfit. You see he isn't leaving so you strip out of your clothes and slide in your new outfit.
Yoongi watches you intently and you are aware of his heated gaze even as you slide on some knee high socks and saunter to the front door to slide on your shoes, him right on your heels.
"Ready?" He smiles, walking you out to the car.
Yoongi takes you to what appears be an indoor basketball court. You look over at him once you are inside to see.
"You want to play basketball?" You look around and see nothing but security guards at all doors.
"I like basketball, so i figure.. why not share it with you" he takes off his hoodie and you notice he's already in his gear.
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"I..i can't play basketball.. and you're like.. come on you're you" your eyes drink Yoongi in and he smiles at you.
"I thought since it's just us.. i could teach you.. plus we could go at your pace since your legs are getting better"
You nod your head and start to stretch your arms, Yoongi follows suit. It's when you get to your legs that Yoongi runs over to you and offers to help. You can't help but worry if his shoulder can really handle this, but he doesn't say anything so you din't want to ruin his effort.
Your mind flicks to Jimin and Jungkook helping you stretch and you flush. Even though you were just with Tae this morning you can't help but feel a little hot thinking about it. Maybe you do have a problem.
You slowly sit on the floor and Yoongi kneels by your legs. Between the two of you, you manage to get both legs perfectly stretched so you help Yoongi with his.
You notice Yoongi is careful with you, not overtly sexual. Not that the others are, but with Yoongi.. you feel just.. comfortable.
Or maybe because the last time he stretched you in the bathroom he couldn't control himself.. you wonder to yourself.
You both start out kind of seriously, him shooting triple your score of baskets before he goes easier on you.
You have the ball about half hour later, Yoongi pretending to guard you. Pretend because you can see he isn't truly trying to steal the ball.
He surprises you by wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you tight. You squeal and slap his hands until he lets go then you run away from him and shoot a basket.
"Oh it's like that huh?" He shoots you a gummy smile and you do a little victory dance at your basket. He watches you, his smile never faulting.
"Aren't we here to win" you smile at him and toss him the ball. He catches it but continues to smile at you.
He moves around you as if to shoot but you quickly return his earlier move by wrapping your arms around his waist.
"I have been bested by own move" he fake pouts.
The playful banter continues for another 2 hours until you both collapse, tired and exhausted on the floor.
"That was the most fun i've had playing any sport" you pant, taking in gulps of air. Your legs are like jello but it was so worth it to see Yoongi unwind and really just have some fun with him.
It isn't that you aren't attracted to Yoongi, of course you desire him, but with him.. things just feel relaxed and at ease.
You also grew closer, talking about your lives and things you like. You really feel like you know Yoongi better, and for that you are grateful.
"Hungry?" He sits up, extending a hand. You take it and he helps you to your feet and back to the car.
"Starving" you smile.
"Good, the Maknae's should be done by now. I have one more surprise for you"