It's the next week and I'm going to skip morning lessons because I only have divination and transfiguration, bloody boring if you ask me.
I woke up late this morning and missed breakfast, I hardly eat anyway so I'm not bothered. I get dressed and walk down to the black lake, perching myself against a big tree. It's quite cold this morning, every time I breathe I can see my cloudy breathe in the crispy air. Casting a warming enchantment on the grass beneath me so I can stay warm.
It's quiet because everyone's in lesson, but I like it because it helps me think. Grabbing the weed out my bag and I roll myself a spliff, drugs help me stay calm otherwise the voices in my head get too much to the point I can't handle it anymore. If you've ever watched the muggle movie 'the joker', I bare the same qualities as the joker and his girlfriend Harley-Quinn (who I was named after). I'm a psychopath, I enjoy watching others in pain and I hold no emotions. I am completely numb. The voices in my head tell me to cause havoc and mayhem, they yell and yell at me till I have satisfied them so the drugs help silence the voices preventing me from seriously hurting people.
So you could say it's medicinal weed.
I don't bother taking my pills provided from St. Mungos because they have side effects and I don't feel like myself so I occasionally smoke instead. Lighting my spliff and I relax into the tree. The voices finally quieten and I can hear myself think for the first time since I got here. I come up with my best pranks when I'm high, because I can think straight. The cogs in my brain start turning as I thinks of all the possible pranks I can pull.
Got it.
I'm going to trash the great hall, because no one else would dare to damage the hall where all the teachers and students sit. Hopefully this will show Hogwarts that I don't mess around, I'm a Lestrange after all.
A black dog sitting on the other side of the lake catches my eye, it's just staring at me. It seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I put out my spliff and walk back to the castle leaving the dog sitting there. I hate animals anyway. By the time I get back to the castle everyone's in their second lesson, the lesson before lunch so it's my time to shine.
I skip into the hall, my black and icy blonde hair jumping around in my two pigtails. The hall is empty but prepared for lunch, with the tables set out ready. I jump onto the Gryffindor table, running down the table as I happily kick off all the plates and goblets onto the stone floor creating loud bangs echoing through the hall. Grabbing my wand and casting a spell that shoots out a trail black smoke covering the hall.
And waving my wand I blow out all the candles in the hall. A snake slithers out the end of my wand, forming an 'L' in the centre of hall in the air. I grab a goblet from the floor and throw it towards a window causing it to shatter on impact, not gonna lie thought the windows would be stronger than that but whatever easier on my part.
Filch comes running in with a bunch of students following, I'm guessing they heard the window break. I was waiting for my audience to arrive, their mouths dropped when they saw the state of the hall.
"What the hell are you doing!" Filch shouts
I stand next to the snake in the shape of an 'L', grinning from ear to ear
"It's just pure mindless vandalism!" I cackle
"Are you mentally deficient" he growls in anger
I see the twins stood at the front of the crowd smiling, and watching me intently compared to the rest of the students who are standing there in fear and too shocked to even move.
"If I was mentally deficient I would have missed" I wink at the twins before skipping out of the hall, my pigtails swaying behind me. I know I'm going to be in so much trouble for that but who cares it was fun.
Me and Fred decided to skip Divination second period because we want to play a prank of filch with dung bombs.
"Georgie do you hear that?" Fred smiles
"Hear what?" I look up from the hidden dung bombs in my bag
"The sound of things smashing in the great hall, come on!" He yells and grabs my arm dragging me to the hall
We walk in and see Harley-Quinn standing there smiling talking to filch. The hall is a mess, looks like evil just threw up in there. It's covered in black smoke and there's a snake in the shape of an 'L', quite creative if you ask me, really makes a statement. I can't help but smile when she said it was just pure mindless vandalism. She turns to me and Fred.
"If I was mentally deficient I would have missed" she grins making eye contact with me before winking at us.
"She's good Freddie" I whisper
"We need her" he smiles
She skips out the hall leaving filch stood there in shock, I've never seen him like this before, he's speechless.

FanfictionA girl named Harley Quinn transfers from Beauxbatons academy of magic. She was kicked out because of her pranks, one of them consisting of the blowing up of her exam hall because Arriving at Hogwarts, she meets the twins. Her goal is to mess with a...