Chapter 31

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The next day I sat impatiently in the living room as I waited for information from Quinton. I held a mug of coffee in my palms and after taking a sip, slowly placed it on the glass coffee table in front of me.

After last night, everyone fled the scene and left in hushed whispers and shocked looks. Witnessing one of the wealthiest men getting arrested, wasn't something people saw everyday.

Getting home last night, I went through many media online to keep myself updated. However no information on Marcus and the others were released. It was quite obvious a few people were getting paid good money to keep their lips sealed.

After all, the less people that knew the less drama it would cause. Marcus would hate to have a bad name to his company.

Or should I say, Catelyns company.

The thought itself made me grit my teeth. All these years, and I have yet to access my own wealth that was truly my parents.

Meanwhile I was waiting, Quinton decided to run a few errands to the police station and a few law firms.

The paparazzi weren't any help as no one, even them, could seem to find any information on Marcus', Max's and Catelyn's questioning.

However I trusted Quinton had some tricks up his sleeve. That he'd be able to find the information we wanted. After all he seemed to be a fairly convincing person.

With that in mind, the door was suddenly pushed open and I shot up from my seat as Quinton stepped in, closing the door behind him, causing the keys hung behind it to rattle along with it.

He had on a grim expression and I didn't like the look of it. Immediately I frowned.

"What? What is it?" I asked in haste, walking up to Quinton who harshly took of his blazer and chucked it on the nearest leather sofa.

"It's worse than we thought," Quinton mumbled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's worse? Nothing should've been worse to begin with," I gritted, walking back, as I slowly sat back down, Quinton doing the same.

I was hoping everything would've ran smoothly. But of course with Catelyn not getting charged it was never smooth to begin with. Plus I knew it couldn't be that easy. Not with that level of wealth.

"So?" I asked impatiently and Quinton ran a hand through his light hair.

"They're out," Quinton simply said with a sigh and I clenched my jaw.

"They're out?" I repeated in a deadly tone.

"What do you mean they're out?" I continued my voice raising a little, "-out of jail? You mean not arrested?" I fired questions as my temper rose by the second.

Quinton quickly raised his hands up in the air, in a gesture for me to both slow and calm down, before taking in a sharp intake of breath.

"Listen," he said firmly, "-they paid alot, and I mean alot of money for bail. Not only that, their lawyer said the evidence can't be considered as real evidence," Quinton said then took a pause, "-considering they were drunk in the video."

I looked at Quinton in shock.

"What? But drunk or not, they admitted to it! It shouldn't matter! Its not like they made up stuff whilst drunk," I tried to explain and Quinton shook his head.

"I know Victoria. But they do have a point. Truth or not." Quinton said distastefully.

"However," Quinton pressed and I leaned in closer.

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