all business (nickyxgigi)

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Prompt: A cutthroat business woman swore she'd never find love until her best friend sets her up on a blind date.

Word count: 2128


"Crystal, how many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to go on a date with some random stranger." Nicky spoke into her phone as she walked down the busy New York street, her heels clicking beneath her. "Okay well, she's not a stranger to me, she's just a stranger to you so it, like, cancels out or whatever." Nicky rolled her eyes as her best friend continued to try and persuade her into going on a date with some girl.

"Crystal, I love you, but I'm way too busy to go on some silly date with someone I don't know."

Nicky worked up on wall street, being a native french, she was in charge of translating and communicating with the international side of their businesses. She was very busy most days, rarely having a day off during the week and all she wanted to do on the weekend was sit in her pajamas and eat ice cream.

"Nicky please, I really think you'll like her." Crystal pleaded. Nicky rolled her eyes once again, beginning to get agitated with her friend. "If I say yes, will you please shut the fuck up?" Crystal squealed. "Yes, I promise!"

Crystal discussed the details of the date with Nicky and who she now knew as Gigi, Crystal's coworker and friend. Nicky said her goodbyes to her best friend and finally hung up, walking into work and up to her office.

The day came and went, and finally at 5 pm, she was able to go home. She made her way down the elevator and back onto the busy New York street, hailing a cab and headed towards her apartment. She finally checked her phone to see a notification from Crystal.

Crystal Methyd: also, don't think you can wiggle your way out of this date on friday ;)

Nicky sighed to herself, leaning her head on the cab window. She wasn't not excited about this date, but she wasn't technically excited either. It had been a while since the french girl had been on a date since about 6 months ago, her girlfriend and her decided to split after 2 years of dating. Jaida and her were still friends, but Jaida had moved on and was happy. Nicky was happy too, just happy without a girlfriend.

As she arrived at her apartment, she thanked the driver and walked into her house, flipping the lights on and dropping her bag on the ground. She was thankful the day was over, simply making her way into her bedroom to remove her makeup and put some comfy clothes on. She made herself something to eat and sat on the couch, watching some mindless tv.

Soon enough, her night came to a close and she decided it was about time for her to go to bed around 10 pm. As she brushed her teeth, her heart skipped a beat as she thought about the date that was to take place in 2 days. She scolded herself for getting excited, believing that she was going to get her hopes up. But, alas, she went to bed with an empty head and a sigh.

The next two days went by so slowly, Nicky felt. As the days flew by, she grew more nervous to go on a date with a practical stranger. Crystal had given her minor details about the date, since she was the mediator of the two. Nicky was to arrive at the restaurant at 7 pm and spend at least an hour, according to Crystal, talking to Gigi and see how it goes.

Nicky felt like a child, being forced to go on a date with someone she didn't know, like her parents were forcing her to take some random guy to prom because they didn't want anyone to know she was gay.

Once Friday came around, Nicky spent the day cleaning up around the house, ran some small errands and then it finally came time to get ready for her date. Nicky styled her short blonde hair to be slicked back, touching up her makeup and finally slipping her outfit on.

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