chapter 6

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(At the field)

(no one pov)

"When I call your name, please come up to the platform and throw the ball. Quirks are permitted." said Shoto

"Oooo me first! I want to go extra!" Ashido said excitedly (angrily? I cant tell)

Ashido walked up to platform and grabbed the ball . He threw it up and hit it with a grenade . It flew into the distance.

"54.3 meters, not very impressive" Shoto said , disappointed


"No, there are strict rules that you can't retry unless your quirk fails"

"Ugh fine..." Ashido said , his excitement deflating

"Next, Kirby Monoma"

Monoma unhinged his jaw and- ate Kirishima?! (oh lordie I desire death)

A few gasps could be heard from the class.  Kirishima was spit out and looked... traumatized, to say the least. Monoma walked up the platform, grabbed a random chunk of dirt and stuck it to him. He threw the ball with sticky skin activated, and nothing happened. The ball just kind of... existed

(I won't count that as failing, that's just being dumb)

"It went no where. Next."

Monoma returned to his spot, looking very defeated

"Next is Mizu Tamaki"

"I - don't wanna go..." she said

"Don't worry , you can do it bro!" said Kirishima

"Yeah bro, i'm sure nothing could be worse than whatever Monoma did" agreed Kinzoku

"F-fine but promise you wont laugh if its bad?"

"Promise bro!" Tetsutetsu and Krishima said in unison

She tentatively stepped to to the platform and made a clone of a...


I'm sorry this is so short, i'm just rushing to write something so I don't get interuppted in the middle of something, since I still need time to edit it

(Also, I am usually very percise about editing, bad spelling and grammar really bothers me , so if you see any mistakes, please tell me . Also how do you spell interuppted and percise? I might die if I have to look at it any longer)

Have a good day!

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