Decisions (Elrond)

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You had heard of the arrival of the hobbits to Rivendell and of the ring one of them carried

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You had heard of the arrival of the hobbits to Rivendell and of the ring one of them carried. You knew well of the ring and the damage it brought with it.

You knew a council meeting would be called to see who would go and make sure it was destroyed once and for all. You had already made up your mind you were going to go.

You were making your way down the hall when you saw Elrond out at one of the balconies. He did this more when he wanted to think then to admire the view. Instead of keeping on your course you turned to walk out to him.

"What seems to bother you Elrond?" You asked walking up beside him and looking at him.

You had been in Rivendell for many years and had grown close to Elrond, in fact you loved him and he loved you. You knew when he was upset, disappointed, bothered, happy, or holding something back. He knew the same about you, too.

"The past has caught up to me, (y/n)." He stated looking at you. "I should have made sure that ring was destroyed years ago." He spoke with sadness in his words.

"Things happen in ways we cannot always control." You replied softly.

"I could've controlled it, made sure it was destroyed the day it was meant." He cursed himself and turned back to the view in front.

"It was meant to be this way." You spoke, your eyes still on him.

A silence fell between the two of you leaving the sound of nature to fill it.

You were thinking of tomorrow and how it would go. How it was going to feel leaving him and Rivendell behind.

"You've already made your decision?" He asked more as a rhetorical question. He knew you well enough, he knew you would leave.

"I have." It was a short reply and you knew he would try to talk you out of it.

"There will be others who volunteer. You don't have to go." He pointed out looking back at you again. He didn't want to lose you, not now.

"You can't expect me to stay behind." You replied turning completely to face him. "I must do this," he now faced you completely, the sadness in his eyes at your words. "For Middle Earth, for Rivendell, for the hobbit who must carry it, and for us." You spoke as you caressed his face in your hand and he placed his on top of yours moving your hand away but not letting go of it.

"It will not be an easy journey, you will have to watch every step you take." He replied seriously.

"I know, it may have been awhile since my last journey, but I still know what to expect." You reassured him. "I must get some rest and you should too." You stated giving him a week smile.

"I will soon." He replied but you knew he wouldn't with all his worries.

"Goodnight meleth nin." You said before kissing him on the cheek.

"Losto vae meleth nin." He responded almost in a whisper.

You gave him a quick smile before you left back on the way you were once heading. His only hope now was that the journey would be kind to you and return you safely to him.

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