stone cold demeanor

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Shawn/Sophie storyline:

Being on break in Canada. She's visiting family. Shawn shows up randomly. Like, how did he even find her? The irony of the situation was overwhelming and she wanted to punch something, particularly his stupid face.

She's fooling around in the yard with her cousin Percy, her arms thrown over his shoulders, while her legs are around his slender waist. They're both laughing. She pushes his glasses up his nose for him.
Shawn pulls up in front of the house and just watches them for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not he should be jealous.

He's jealous either way, though, like tiny stabs in his chest every few seconds. She looked happy. He'd forgotten how much he missed her smile and was anxious to hear her laugh again.

"Who's the guy in the car? Do you know him?" Percy's words snapped her out of her laughing fit and her eyes came to rest on the car and then the figure behind the wheel. She scowled.

"What the shit," she muttered, hooking her chin over Percy's shoulder so that their faces were almost level. "Why is he here, how did he find me," Percy lifted his brows, his grip on her legs tightening a bit.

"Is that the guy you went on tour with?" She sighed


"What's he doing here?"

"I have no clue"

Shawn, knowing he'd been spotted, decided to wave, getting out of the car. She was tempted to flip him off and by the smirk on his face, he knew it, too.

"Where do I even start with you?" The butterflies were awake now, fluttering in her stomach and making her chest tight every second that he came closer. He was smiling. Stupid shit.

"It's nice to see you too, soph." He held his hand out for Percy to shake. "I'm Shawn, and I assume you're-?" Percy cut him off,

"Her favorite cousin? You bet your rockstar ass I am. Percy, nice to meet you." Sophie scowled at the two of them

"he's lying, it's not nice to meet you. At all." Shawn cocked an eyebrow at her. Before she could break under his gaze she tilted her head towards Percy, fiercely whispering: "stone-cold demeanor, we talked about this!" Shawn's smirk was back. "How the hell did you find me, anyway?"

"Instagram." Her eyes widened before she rested her forehead against Percy's shoulder, groaning.

"Fuck me, seriously?"

"Soph," Percy frowned, squeezing her legs to show his distaste in her language. She squirmed and Shawn caught a glimpse of the massive bruise on her arm.

"Sophie, what the hell happened to your arm?!" he blurted, stepping closer. She scoffed.

"Chad took us tubing and nearly killed all of us." Percy nodded.

"Indeed, I lost my glasses," she interrupted him, pointing to his chin

"And a chunk of his face! And I, a first aid trained individual, told him he needed stitches but did he listen? Did Chad listen?" she put as much loathing as she could into Percy's brother's name. the two of them shook their heads simultaneously. "These ratchet ass hoes didn't even have any first aid supplies in their gross apartment so I had to go buy some for them!" she blew some hair out of her face, taking a breath.

Shawn was just staring at them with his mouth slightly open.

"Oh, I suppose we should invite him in?" Percy said to himself. Sophie's eyes lit up as she burst out laughing.

"I suppose, Percy. Cmon," she managed to slap Shawn's (solid) shoulder, snapping him out the moment. "off to give you the grand tour of the gross apartment."

Shawn continued to be jealous as Sophie didn't get off of Percy's back for a good 10 more minutes, carrying her around the house while she gave him the rundown of the gross apartment. Finally, she was trying to get something out of the cupboard and wasn't having any luck. She blew some hair out of her face.

"Percy just put me down!" her cousin pouted,

"Fine! I hate you." He bent down and let go of her slowly, making sure she landed gently on the ground. She tugged on his hair before hopping onto the counter.

"No, you don't." Percy folded his arms over his chest and looked at her indignantly.

"No, I don't!" He admitted. Shawn stifled a laugh as he watched the scene unfold before him, leaning against the door.

They go shopping together so they can make a nice dinner. Sophie keeps circling back to the candy section and Shawn thinks she's too fucking cute. He pays for the groceries while she's not looking. He also adds a few bags of whatever candy she didn't get. He'll buy her anything she wants.

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