I've always been good at potions, but I just can't seem to get Dark Arts under controll, or even understand it.
So just like every wednesday I am studying with Hermoine in the Hogwarts library.'You should already take a seat, I'll be looking for 'Black Lines in Arts' for you.'
So I sit down on one of the tables in the library.
Last year I made almost all of my homework on my room (my bed). It was just really frustrating for me to be studying with other people. I just went to the library to get the books I need and then make homework and stury in my room.But this year Hermoine had convinced me to change that "tradition".
"Got it." She said while almost tripping over someones book that they (accidentally) left on the floor.
"Watch where you're going, idiot"
I hear a voice say behind the other bookshelves.I move my chair and my head as I try to see who is shouting at Hermoine.
I see Hermoines red, angry face, and when I look closer I see that annoying kid sitting there.Goyle,
Again."Mayby you should just shut up Mr Annoying" I shout back.
The Professors in the library look up but don't give my shouting alot of attention, luckely."Oh, great. You're here too, Ms Mind your own business"
"It's Longfume for you idiot"
"Shut up"
"Mayby you should shut up"
I say back, by this time I stand infront of the table he's sitting on. Raising an eyebrow as I give him a mean look."Leave him, let's go study, I don't even know what he's doing here since he's too stupid to even read a few sentences of a book"
Hermoine said with a half smile on her face while her eyes are sparkling."What's up with you?" I say to her while grinning.
"Oh nothing..."
"Tell me! What's it that you're hiding?"
I say while I give her a small bump, I smile and she fastly looks away."Ron asked me to be his date for the Yule ball" She said while tucking her hair behind her ear
"But it's only october? Anyways, that's so sweet!"
"I'm really exited" Hermoine says exited, I've honestly never seen her this happy.
"So what's up with you gu-".
Before I can finish my sentence I get interrupted. Like always."Hey, Josephine" Malfoy said. He moves and was now standing against the bookshelf, moving his hand tru his hair, giving a really arrogant impression.
"No, thanks" I say while I walked pass him with a very quick tempo, after Hermoine.
"No thanks, what?" He calls.
He is now talking to my back as I stop walking. Hermoine turns around.
"let's go" she says."I'll be up in a second"
I turn around and walk back towards Malfoy.
"What do you want Malfoy?"
Of his reaction, I can see I wasn't having a very nice look. And to my surprise, I cared.He looked kind of hurt, but withing seconds his face expression changes again.
He walks towards me like he owns the room.
I roll with my eyes as he comes closer."Whats up with you today, Longfume?"
He says in a teasly voice, making a sad-lip-face and laughs."Nothing, why did you want to talk to me"
"I am just trying a way to spend more time with you"
"Oh really?" I say, releasing I was blushing and kind of turning red.
"No, do not flatter yourself Longfume". He laughs.
"Professor Snape asked me if I could deliver a message". Malfoy said in a weird tone.
"Well that depends, what's it about"
"Always wanting to know more don't you, Longfume" Draco says, I can see the smile on his face, his mounth curling and his eyes catching the lights of the candles on the table in the library. I see his messy hair that he clearly didn't spend time in to fix. And I see those hands, with those rings.
"Hello, attention please" Draco says, now waving his hand infront of my eyes.
"Yes, do go on" I say as I look away, trying to avoid eye contact.
" I was told that together we should make a project for Professor Snapes class"
"What project"
"For Dark Art" He says,
And I swear in that moment I saw him making a smirking face while looking away, and looking fastly back."Let me guess", I say sliding into my chair now facing Draco and looking into his eyes.
"You wanted me to be your partner"
"As I say Longfume, do not flatter yourself".
He stands up, looks down on me and says:
"Now, I will see you at 8pm after dinner here in the library to start on our project".And before I could say anything to that ridiculous face of his he walks away.

Can we love?
FantasyThis story is about Hogwarts, it's kind of related to Harry Potter but it takes place on a side you won't see when you read the books or see the films. The storylines are also very different, just like the focus on the characters and especially the...