Chapter 8: The Small Talk

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"Cherry? Cheribim?" a familiar voice echoed.

My fuzzy eyes wandered through the hospital room, catching nothing but blurs.


Judy stood at the doorway next to one of the bunny nurses in light blue scrubs.  She must've been checking the heart monitor from which I could hear constant beeping.

  She must've been checking the heart monitor from which I could hear constant beeping

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"Cherry, are you okay?"

 My furry paws tightly clenched the mattress.  " head..."

"What's wrong with him?" Judy asked.

The nurse turned around with a clipboard in her paws and sighed.

"Well Judy, it looks to me that Mr. Cheribim here is suffering from an acute case of..." she dropped the clipboard.  "...being freakin' clumsy!" the nurse burst out in laughter.

My eyes widened in surprise because it was Hazel who spoke—not some nurse. She was not wearing scrubs but rather, they were lavender-colored pajamas. As my vision became clearer it turned out that we were back in the Hopp's family garage and it was still early morning, about 6:07 am. Of course, this wasn't an ordinary hospital because it wasn't even a hospital at all. It was still the same bedroom I slept in. But, where was that low beeping noise coming from?

"Let's turn off this annoying little thing, shall we?" Hazel suggested with a giggle, pressing her paw on the alarm clock button to silence it.

Scattered around the floor and the bedspread were carrots, lots of carrots; some broken, some bent, others warped; along with a couple of pieces of shattered wood from a few storage crates. Wait... did I just destroy all those crates? In my sleep last night?  Am I really that restless? I tried to gather my thoughts together because so much was going on right now; Not to mention, I might've transformed into a furry animal.

"Sleep well, sleepyhead?" Hazel asked, seemingly content that I became one of them.

I clenched my paw into a fist. "No thanks. To you," I growled.

This caught Hazel off guard and she nervously took a step back.  Good.  Because I was about to let her and Judy have it. 

"Cherry," Judy stepped forward in front of her sister. "If you need more time to rest or you just wanna sleep in today, then that's okay. We can leave you alone if you'd like."

I prepared to raise my voice ferociously at them since I didn't ask for any of this. Whether or not they did this with good intentions as a way to help me blend in, to hell with it! Being human is what I felt most comfortable with - no matter how wicked or vile we might've been to other animals - I don't care, it's who I am.  But thanks to these sorry anthropomorphic bunnies, I might be trapped in a furry body in addition to being stuck in this freakish world.

Wait a moment...

As soon as I raised my clenched furry fists as a preparation to strangle these two bunnies, I realized that my paws were still... hands?  

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