"Together is my favorite place to be." -Unknown
Hotch picked you up about fifteen minutes after he had dropped you off. In that time you had taken a quick shower and got changed into warm clothing.
You were wearing a plaid dress with a cardigan and a pair of vans. When you saw Aaron you couldn't help but feel butterflies fill your stomach.
When you climbed into the passenger seat you looked to the back to see a little kid with a toothy grin.
"Hello!" The kid yelled as he waved to you. You smiled back and offered your hand for him to shake.
"I'm Y/N. I'm assuming you're the famous Jack that your dad talks about so often," you said as you shook his hand. He grinned at the compliment and Aaron smiled into the rear view mirror.
About thirty minutes later the three of you arrived at the zoo. Aaron had brought a small camera so he could take pictures of Jack with the lions. As you walked in Jack grabbed your hand, pulling you to the lion exhibit.
When you reached the lion exhibit Jack ran over to the glass, your fingers still wrapped up in his hand.
"Y/N did you know that only the boy lions have that fluffy hair?" Jack asked. You gasped and knelt down so that you were level with him.
"I did not! Thank you for telling me. Do you have any more facts about lions?" You asked the sweet boy in front of you. You heard a snap of a camera go off while you and Jack discussed lions.
After a few minutes Jack stopped talking and just marveled at the lions. You stood back up and looked at Aaron.
"You've got quite a Spencer Reid on your hands," you giggled and Aaron laughed, one that showed his teeth and caused crinkles to form near his eyes.
"Hey buddy why don't we go look at the tigers now? I heard they're Y/N's favorite animal," said Aaron. He scooped up Jack and supported his bottom before the three of you walked down to the tiger exhibit.
"Do you have any facts about tigers?" Jack asked when you arrived at their exhibit. You took him from Aaron's arms and pointed to a pair of tigers.
"Do you see those two right there?" You asked and Jack nodded. "Well their stripes may look similar but actually no two tigers share the same kind of strip. Just like how snowflakes all have different designs," you explained. Jack listened closely to you. He yawned and you giggled.
"Am I really that boring?" You asked Aaron and he smiled at you, bringing the camera up so he could take a picture. You and Jack smiled and then you offered to take a few photos of Aaron and Jack together.
Their smiles were almost identical and you couldn't help but feel the need to be around them constantly. As you walked around the zoo for the remainder of the day you found yourself growing more and more attached.
"Daddy look!" Jack called out when he saw the penguins. "It's your favorite!" The "or" in favorite being replaced with a W.
"Yes it is buddy," replied Aaron. You smiled and laced your fingers with Aaron's, not thinking of the people surrounding you or Jack seeing and reporting to Haley.
As you watched the penguins swim in the water and splash each other you took a picture on your cellphone or Aaron and Jack next to the penguins, unaware that the picture was being taken.
After getting lunch and wandering around the zoo for the day you began to head back to Aaron's. Jack fell asleep the moment Aaron buckled him into his seat.
When you returned home you carried Jack inside. Aaron's phone began to ring and you told him to take the call and that you'd tuck Jack into bed.
Jack woke up enough to be able to change into pajamas and brush his teeth and tell you how much he enjoyed going to the zoo with you but not long after that he was passed out.
You tucked the sheets into his sides and brushed the hair out of his face. When you got up and turned around you noticed that Aaron was stood in the doorway leaning against the frame. He pulled you into him and kissed you softly.
You smiled when you pulled away and turned off Jack's light. The two of you walked out to the living room and turned on the television where a show played as background noise.
"I had a lot of fun with you at the zoo today. Jack is adorable by the way I'd love to hang out with him more," you said as you leaned into Aaron. Your head rested on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist. He kissed the top of you head before his chin rested there.
"I'd definitely like it if you and Jack hung out," whispered Aaron. You could tell he was smiling to himself and that caused you to smile. A feeling of complete and totally bliss filled your body and you found yourself drifting off into your own sleep.
"Hey Aaron do you think it would be okay if I stayed over tonight?" You asked.
"It would be more than okay," he answered and you smiled as you walked into his bedroom to change.
The two of you snuggled close together in his bed and you faded off into a deep sleep, the last thing you remember being the smell of Aaron Hotchner.
short chapter i know :( but it was wholesome! i'll work on more chapters later on but i hope this is enough to hold you over
also i love the zoo but anyways love you guys and hope you enjoyed

Illicit Affairs a•h
Fanfictiona dwindling, mercurial high - - - - - - - inspired by Taylor Swifts song, illicit affairs. I do not own criminal minds, just this plot and oc's. all rights are reserved