~~~~~~~~~Gabe's POV~~~~~~~~~
It was quiet that night.
I couldn't sleep at all, as much as I tried. Cassie and Jake were asleep on a bed mattress in Jade's room, along with her and Fi in her bed, all deep asleep. But I could only stare at the ceiling as I lied in bed, remembering what Fiona and I went through to find my sister, using my imagination to learn what Jade went through from what she said...
Curious about what my family went through twenty years ago...
My blood ran cold for a second when I heard my door open, seeing my mother standing there.
"I thought you'd be awake..."
"It's been a long night..." I sat up with a yawn, still feeling genuinely tired.
"I made some hot chocolate, want some..?"
With a nod, I got out of bed, following Mom down to the kitchen and taking one of the mugs she had offered. We both sat behind the counter, my eyes focused on the mug.
She looked at me. "So... where did you and Fi spend all those nights...?"
"We were found by an old friend of yours, she let us stay with her.. Savanna was her name.."
Mom's eyes widened a bit. "Savanna..? As in, Savanna Sanchez..?"
I nodded, and I could tell she was thinking deeply about it. "Huh.."
"I know you two were enemies at one point, but she's probably the only reason Fiona and I are alive, and found Jade.."
"... She's always been a strange case.. We were able to get her out of jail to help with another situation we had, but she disappeared near the end, we never saw her again.."
"She seems to be doing well, has a home, a job, and a cat.."
Mom let out a small chuckle. "I guess that's good.."
"... hey Mom..?"
I fixed my glasses a bit, looking up at her. "What made you realize you wanted a normal life..? Away from all the assassin stuff..?"
After some seconds of silence, she looked down with a smile. "... I met your father.."
I tilted my head a bit, and she continued. "We were suppose to get close to them so the betrayal would hurt more, but in the process, he showed me more kindness than I had ever seen in years.. I also just liked being part of a family.. It was weird as hell, two sets of twins trying to protect a little girl.."
She looked back at me, her smile growing a bit. "But we liked what we had.. We've been through a lot together.."
Right, I was told Aunt Alyse was only ten when it all happened, how she's suffered the most because of how young she was.
This Ryan Man...
He has caused so much pain, to so many people...
To my family...
And yet all that Lara wanted was to bring him back, but why?
Because she was alone maybe?
Doesn't matter.
She could've killed my sister and the others if Fi and I hadn't been there at that time.
"Do you think we'll be able to defeat Ryan and Lara?"
Mom's expression fell at my question, biting her lip in thought. After a while, she let out a sigh. "I highly doubt that, Gabriel.."
"You did it once before."
"And we nearly died.. Ryan can regenerate any wound in just a few seconds as long as he has the blood for it, and that was fighting one Riverton.."
"So we have to get rid of his blood?"
"I was able to get a lot out of him, it made him too weak to regenerate when Aiden stabbed him.."
My eyes widened a bit. "Wait, Dad killed him?! But he's always been so anti-violence!"
"I know.. He still gets nightmares about it, it's his biggest regret to this day.."
My dad has always been a very passive person. I've heard it from Mom, from his sisters, from his friends, and I've seen it myself so many times before.
To think he had to kill his childhood friend...
But it was to protect everyone.
"We can't let him roam freely, nor Lara. With a little more training, Jade, Fiona, and I can be more help, I promise."
"Gabe, your safety-"
"It's my fault we're in this mess! I need to help fix this."
I think Mom knew there was no arguing with me, so she simply took a deep breath. "You'll definitely need more training.."
Not sure we'll have the time for it..
Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!

🐍Crystallight 4: The Next Generation🐍
Fantasy"Being brave doesn't mean to never be afraid... It means to do what you have to even though you're afraid." -Fiona Sofía Cipher Anderson to Gabriel Carlos Anderson Cipher. 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 It's been many years since all the chaos h...