The Story Of Ibrahim (AS) -•-Part one-•-

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[The Friend Of Allah]

This time we are going into the life of one of the highest of the Messengers of Allah (SWT) after Muhammad (SAW).

He was born in Iraq, he was born in Babylon. This is the Messenger, the great Messenger Ibrahim (AS), Abraham (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).

Ibrahim (AS) was a nation by himself, one team, one man team. He’s such a great man. Allah (SWT) tested him, not once, not twice but again and again, and he passed every single test.

Allah says, “And Allah took Ibrahim (AS) an intimate friend.” [4:125]

Allah has taken Ibrahim (AS) as a very close friend. He became a friend of Allah, because no matter what Allah said, even if it did not make sense to him, he surrendered to it because he knew where it came from.

Allah (SWT) had accepted the dua of Ibrahim (AS), “O Allah! Give me and make me a good remembrance on the tongue of people after me.”

Allah (SWT) made Ibrahim (AS) to be accepted by everyone, Ibrahim (AS) is accepted by everyone. Look at the Christians, they accept Ibrahim (AS) and they look up to Ibrahim (AS) as a Prophet. The Jews, respect Ibrahim (AS) and look up to him as a Prophet. And no doubt about us the Muslims, we accept Ibrahim (AS) and look up to him. No prophet has the status of Ibrahim (AS) among all the different beliefs or different faiths regardless to authenticity or not, they all respect Ibrahim (AS).

So what happen?
At that time the people were worshipping idols. And he was born, as he grew up, he has seen his father, the Quran says his name was Aazar. So we will use that particular name, Aazar, the father of Ibrahim (AS).

Allah (SWT) makes mention of how Aazar used to make idols and sell them. So the young boy, he was watching his father carving idols out of wood and stone, and then he would see his father selling them. Then he would notice people prostrate to these things that his own father was carving. So he was shocked.

When Ibrahim (AS) became a kid and his father now relying on his son to work with him. He used to use Ibrahim (AS) to sell those idols to people. Subhanallah! It was a big test on Ibrahim (AS). It was a big test on Ibrahim (AS). And when Ibrahim (AS), he see his father manufacturing and making these idols and give it to him and send off Ibrahim (AS) out to people to sell those idols. It’s been narrated that Ibrahim (AS) used to go past the river, and he used to drown the idols, put them in the river, saying: “Save yourself, save yourself, swim, you’re drowning, do something. You can’t even save yourself, how are you going to save me? You can’t even take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of me?”

From that young age Ibrahim (AS) rejected the concept of worshipping idols, and when he grew up, and he was old enough to speak out, but still young, Ibrahim (AS) spoke against those idols. Some narrations say his age was only seven. He started questioning at the age of seven. So Allah (SWT) makes mention of this young boy.

Allah says, “And We had certainly given Ibrahim his sound judgment before, and We were of him well-knowing. [21:51]
“When he said to his father and his people ‘What are these statues to which you are devoted?’” [21:52]

“And indeed, we have given Ibrahim a long time ago guidance from a very early age, well in advance and we knew very well, Allah (SWT) is all knowing.”
Allah says, “Remember when Ibrahim asked his father, and his nation, his people, meaning his father’s people, what is this that you’re worshipping?

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