The Water Park

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(*Few days later*)

Eliza's Pov:~
Me and froggy were talking about having some fun today. You sickos better not have been thinking about the other type of fun.

What I mean is we're gonna go to the water park!! Of course me and froggy are gonna ask Molten and Lefty to join us. Lefty told me that he has never rode a water slide, since supposedly he's "scared" of them.

Im gonna make him face his fears!!

"Eliza stop making that creepy smirk!!"

"Sorry, Im just coming up with an idea!"

"It's fine now lets go shopping for swim suits!!!!"

Froggy dragged me all the way to the store. She has a really strong grip, I never want to see her mad. Then I might lose my life.

(*After shopping*)

HP.Frog aka Helen made me carry all the bags as my punishment for spray painting a train. It wasnt really my fault Lefty also joined in. I should have escaped faster because of my roller skates but Lefty ran so fast like sonic the hedgehog!!! He left me to get caught by those stupid police officers!!

And they said if I do it again im going to jail! Ha!! Like I care if I go to jail, then I'll see my father again. Believe me he's the reason my two siblings are insane. Mostly my older brother is sane not like me or my other brother.

Helen's Pov:(HP.Frog)
I was thinking of Lefty and Molten being weird. Sadly Molten has no sense of humor the poor guy. Now that he has Lefty things will change!!

Eliza still wont stop talking to herself which is fine. I mean Lefty always does that when Moltens around. Though I wonder what he's thinking about. 'Hehe who knows it may be something dirty!'

I felt a liquid fall from my nose, I whipped it with my hand to realize I was having a nosebleed. 'ahh! Molten and Lefty did this to me!!'

Me and Eliza stood infront of Moltens mansion, and walked inside.

"Ahhh, MoltenxLefty!!!!"

Lefty laying on Molten is amazing!! Im so gonna try to draw this later when Eliza get home later!!!

Lᴇғᴛʏ's Pov;~
I fell off Moltens chest which hurt my butt! More than it was already was especially after I tripped down the stairs. Im so gonna sue those ugly stairs!!

Helen and Eliza where both starring at me with smirks on there face. They grabbed me and took me to the bathroom. Handing me a swimsuit and leaving I decided to change. But when I looked in the mirror my face was red. These swimming trunks make my ass show!

I looked up again and I screamed!

"Ahhh!!!Molten whats wrong with you sneaking up on me like that!!"

Molten: "Sorry Lefty its just I couldnt resist the swimsuit you have on~"

Molten:"Anyways Lefty why do you have a swimsuit?

"Well im pretty sure Eliza and Helen are inviting us to the water park"

Molten:"What is a water park?"

'Did I hear him correctly?' He doesnt know what a water park is!! Everyone in the whole world knows but not this man!! Someone come take this guy back to school!

"Molten you dont know what a water park is?"

"No, my whole childhood was me becoming a fighter, a gentlemen, and training to be a Ceo for one of my fathers companies."

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