-our day 2

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"So..." I started off as Atsumu and I sat in front of each other in a cafe.

"...How have you been?" Atsumu asks with a noticeable hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Good. How have you been?" I ask only feeling the awkward tension increasing.

"I've been well..." he replies. We stared at one another, observing our more mature features considering we haven't seen each other for a while.

"Uhh- anything new? How's volleyball? Girlfriend? Osamu?" I question.

"Pftt- still have that obsession with my brother I see~" he says in a snarky manner.

"Shut up it was just a joke-"

"We all know it wasn't," he replies.


"Anyways volleyball has been good. I'm in the black jackals team and I don't have a girlfriend. I've tried getting one but they all get mad I prioritize volleyball more than them so they leave," Atsumu reveals.

"Needy bitches."

"I know right? Like why can't they support me?" He sighs. "What's new with you? Why are you back in Japan?" he asks.

"Well I finally graduated fashion school and now I'm on my way to design wedding dresses! So I'm opening a store here in Tokyo," I answer.

"Are you staying this time?" Atsumu asks.

"Yeah, probably. I miss it here and my whole childhood is here. Also, I have my good memories here," I reply.

"You should come to my game in two days to see me in action," he suggests.

"Ew stinky."


"Anyways- I can probably come. How much are they your gurl is broke per usual-" I say.

"I know for a fact your not broke. It's not that much just come~ I'll even buy you a ticket if I have to!" he whines.

"Simp. And yes, I am broke!" I state.

"I ain't no simp!" he argues.

"Let's take a trip down memory lane real quick- you remember that time where you gave me all your diamonds in minecraft because I died and started crying?" I say.


"Well I ain't! You simp!" I tease.

"I was your boyfriend of course I was gonna be a simp!" he replies. It stays quiet after he says that.

I cut the silence by saying, "those days were kinda good weren't they?"

"Hm yeah. I was crying a lot when ya left y'know? One of the girls I've actually loved left me and I lost her. But your back now," he responds.

"Yeah...glad to be back Tsumu."


"You just realized now. You just... Jesus take the wheel-"


"WELL TRY HARDER. L," I comment.

"I- you did not-"

"And what about it?"

"How much fruit snacks have you had today?" he asks.

"I actually had to stop eating them. My mom didn't allow me to buy them anymore because my sugar levels were really high and I got a lot of cavities...and then I stopped eating them." I reply.

"As expected," he snickers.

"I know you ain't laughing at my misery- I will literally slap you all the way to the Pacific Ocean," I threaten.

"...I'll pass-"

"Mhm. That's what I thought."

"Hey...can I be honest?" Atsumu asks.



"Just kidding, yes. I guess," I say.

"I- alright. Well..." he begins as he starts looking very nervous and flustered. Adorable. "To be honest, I was about to get over you."

"Oh," I automatically hold back my frown.




"But?" I ask.

"It's been so long but, I still have a place in my heart for u. I'm always gonna be here with open arms..."


"I was gonna see if you wanted to try this again eventually. Us. But if you don't, let's start off as strangers again," Atsumu says. I process his words for quite a bit. Do I?

Do I try to commit to a relationship from the past I've dropped so long ago?

"Atsumu if you answer this question I'll consider dating you again."


"What was the weird ass food combination I liked but you thought I was weird for-"

"Pizza with no sauce and pineapples," he replies.

"...what the f-"

"That text scarred me forever I will never forget it," he says.

"Fuck you."

"Don't you think it's a bit too early for that?"


"...yes?" he questions.


y'all heard sumthin? that's the sound of an old flame rekindling🤤

𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 // 𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓊.𝓂Where stories live. Discover now