Chapter 34

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Michelle told Nathan that she was willing to move to New York as soon as possible but she needed to tell her mom of her decision. Nathan agreed to that and told her he was leaving to go make preparations for their departure.

He kissed his sleeping daughter goodbye before leaving. Michelle walked Nathan to his car, he kissed her passionately before saying goodbye. Michelle watched him drive off before going back into the house.

"I'd rather die than watch you go back to her," Chloe muttered as she watched Nathan and Michelle having their little moment from her car.

She had carefully followed Nathan while he was on his way to Michelle's place. She had been spying on him for weeks now. She didn't want him to get back together with Michelle. She started her car and drove off.

 Nathan was driving when his phone began to ring. He hurriedly picked up the call without checking the caller ID. He thought it was Michelle who had forgotten to tell him something.


"Baby, I've missed you. You haven't said anything to me since that day,"

Nathan hung up as soon as he realized that it was Chloe and not Michelle. He didn't want to speak to her. It was over between them.

Why couldn't she understand that?

His phone started to ring once again. He checked the caller ID this time and saw that it was still Chloe bugging him.

She wouldn't give up. How incredible!

Nathan was already beginning to get angry at Chloe's persistent calls. He decided to pick up and listen to whatever bullshit she had to say and when she was done, he would tell her to stay away from his life. He took his eyes off the road, to put on his Bluetooth he had dropped on the passenger seat when his car harshly collided with a speeding truck.


Leah got home almost immediately after Nathan left. She was surprised to see the living room filled with presents.

"Where did you get all these?" She asked Michelle who was playing with a now fully awake Sandra. She had woken up right after Nathan left.

Leah was surprised to see Michelle having playtime with her daughter. It wasn't like she didn't play with her child. She hasn't done that since her fight with Nathan.

"Nathan got them for Sandra. She is four months old today, Mom. He remembered."

To say Leah was surprised was an understatement. Michelle had let him in.

"You let Nathan come into this house after what he did?!" Leah asked not hiding the surprise and anger in her voice.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," Michelle said in a serious tone.

"Okay... I'm listening,"

She didn't know how she was going to say this to her mother. Leah was going to be mad at her.

"I and Nathan got back together," she quietly said.

"What?!" Leah yelled making Michelle flinch.

"I did it for Sandra... She needs her father."

"You're not being serious, are you?" Leah asked, trying not to believe what she just heard.

"Mom, I love him and I'm willing to give him a second chance... Besides, it wasn't completely his fault. Chloe threw herself at him,"

"Was that the lie he told you?"

"He didn't need to tell me, Mom. Chloe had always been after him."

"And you forgave him? Just like that?"

Leah didn't like Michelle's decision at all. She shouldn't have forgiven Nathan that easily.

What if he wasn't being sincere?

"Mom, you taught me to forgive when someone was truly sorry. That's what I did... I knew how difficult it was for me to accept Dad's death because of how much I loved him. I don't want Sandra growing up without her father's presence."

Michelle had a point. Her granddaughter deserves to grow up in a happy and normal environment and to achieve that, she needs both her parents.

"Hmmn... I'm sorry I didn't think about Sandra. I was only concerned because of you and all you've been through... If that's your decision, I'll respect it."

"Thanks, Mom," Michelle said, standing up to hug her mom.

"Mom... That's not the only thing," Michelle said after the embrace.

"We're moving to New York." Leah was shocked.

How did they come to such a conclusion within this short period and without her consent?

Sandra suddenly started to cry.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Michelle cooed as she cradled Sandra so she would stop crying. It didn't work, it was like something just came over her.

Michelle tried to feed her but Sandra wouldn't eat, making her worried. Her baby has never been like this before.

They heard their doorbell ring. A maid went to get the door, it was Derek, he looked pale. Michelle hadn't seen him for a long time and wondered why he decided to show up all of a sudden, looking like he had bad news.

Derek didn't know how to break the news to Michelle as she was already surprised by his presence. He wondered what her reaction would be if he told her what had happened.

"I don't mean to trespass, Mrs Stewart... I just wanted to ask Michelle if she had recently seen Nathan?"

"Yes, he was here a while ago. Why?"

Derek's face became paler than it already was at Michelle's reply.

"Is something wrong?" She asked trying to understand why he was acting this way. She has never seen Derek in this state.

"Nathan's car was crushed by a truck. It seems he was on his way home. He was coming from this direction... That's why I wanted to know if he was here"

Michelle couldn't believe what Derek just said. None of anything he just said was true. Her Nathan was here a while ago and had left to go make plans for their trip. She saw him leave. Derek must be referring to some other Nathan.

"That's not true," Michelle said to no one in particular. She was trying to convince herself that Derek was lying.

"Where is he?" Leah asked as she noticed that Michelle had suddenly gone numb.

She walked towards her and carefully took Sandra from her arms which were already trembling.

"He's in the hospital. His condition is bad. He's undergoing surgery right now," Derek quietly replied.

He was hurt knowing that his brother was in the hospital, fighting for his life right now, but wouldn't show it. He needed to be strong for his family.

Michelle was a sobbing mess.

Why was this happening to her? A lot of bad things have happened to her, but why does it have to always happen whenever she tries to find a reason to be happy?

"Take me to him," Michelle said to Derek who only nodded in reply.

"Please, text me the hospital address. I'll join you later." Leah said to Derek.


Leah wanted to stay behind to make sure that her granddaughter was calm and fast asleep before leaving for the hospital. She watched as Derek guided Michelle to his car.


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