The Ball and the Hoop (Pt 2)

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(It's better to help those in need regardless if they're an enemy than to live with regret later.)

Golden Freddy's POV

It was towards the end of the school day now. I was antsy to get out of here and text Mangle to meet me in the parking lot. I was in government class finishing up my quiz. We had to take it and it was about the types of government and how they work. When the bell rang I had finished my quiz and closed my chromebook. "Have a good weekend everyone!" Mr. Jack said as everyone filed out of the classroom. I was one of the last to leave and pulled out my phone.

Golden Freddy: Meet me in the parking lot

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and casually made my way down to my locker which was on the second floor. I went down to the second floor and reached my locker placing everything in it, almost everyone was gone at this point on the buses or driving home as I pulled out my phone feeling the vibration in my pocket.

Mangle: Can't I'm stuck in Mrs. Alison's room doing work...maybe tomorrow.

I frowned, that was the 5th time. I had been wanting to do this date thing for the past 5 days and this was the 5th time. I sighed heavily leaning against the lockers. Maybe I should go see what she's working on... I think to myself. I made my way down the hallway and down the stairs to the first floor and made my way towards Mrs. Alice's room. Maybe I can help her get finished quickly so I can take her out today. I think to myself smiling at the thought. As I walked down the hallway I looked at the room numbers and came across 512. I slowly opened the door to peek my head in.

And in that exact moment everything came crumbling down.

My eyes landed on a Mangle, her skirt thing was partly ripped revealing her bra. Her hair was messy and eyes closed. She was pressed up against a wall by some bear hybrid with his tongue down her throat. His hands were under her shirt feeling her up as she moaned. He pressed his lower half against her causing her to moan louder.

She was enjoying it...and I wasn't the cause of it. I slowly closed the door, my eyes wide. My entire body was shaking...they didn't' notice me at all...the door closed but a loud sound echoed through the hall when they did.

Oh crap... I thought to myself as I quickly ran and hid behind a wall when I Heard the door open. "Hello?" I heard Mangle ask. "Did you see someone?" A voice asks most likely the guy, it was deep...and Mangle said she was into deep voices. "Yea...though I saw someone." Mangle says. "You wanna continue this at your house so we're not interrupted?" The guys ask as my eyes widen more. "Yea, my parents won't be home until tomorrow...and Golden Freddy thinks I'm in Mrs. Alisons doing work so yes please." Mangle says...sounding like a beg.

No way she's actually doing this. I think to myself as I hear him say something to her causing her to giggle a bit before hearing her moan again and suddenly stop. "You sure this Golden Freddy won't be a recurring problem?" The guy asks. "Hopefully not, he's starting to annoy me with wanting to hang out with me" Mangle says. "Well...I'll make you forget him once I'm done with you..." The guy says as I hear their footsteps get quieter and quieter until I hear the school doors open and then shut.

I stood there frozen in place. My mind still registering what happened as I felt the love I thought she had for me just got stomped on repeatedly and kicked to the side. My chest began hurting as I started sniffing, feeling my eyes water. "Fuck..." I mutter voice cracking quietly while I try to wipe my eyes. I made my way to the bathroom.

She was going to have sex with some dude...and enjoy it...if what I just witness screamed that she felt nothing for me than I don't know what does...and what's funny is that I've been dating her for 3 years only to find this out...only to see this relationship get torn apart by none other than Mangle herself. I went into the boys bathroom and there everything just came crumbling down as I sat down on the ground back against the door of the bathroom and began crying silently head buried in my arms and knees up to my chest.

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