fast forward 3 years
Today was gonna be the day that I learn my first spell from my grandma. I was so excited to go to her house after school I couldn't even sleep the night before. Although Kai is my best friend I can't tell him about my plans because he is a just regular person and might expose my identity. I walked through the halls and found Kai by his locker.
"Hey Kai," I said.
"Oh hey Arya, What are you doing after school I was thinking we could go get ice cream what do you think?" he replied.
I froze in terror, my face turned pink I didn't know what to say for an excuse so I just ran away. He tried stopping me but I ran straight into the girl's bathroom trying to avoid the conversation. Once class started I tried to not make any eye contact so that he wouldn't ask me any questions. Just one tiny problem, We were now seat partners.
"Shit," I thought to myself.
"Now he's gonna ask me questions."
He walked into class and waved in confusion. I can't blame him the last time we spoke I physically ran away from him he must think I'm such an idiot.
"Hey" I whispered.
"Hey," he said in confusion.
We just laughed at each other for looking stupid.
"Ms. Mitchell is there something funny you'd like to share with the class," she asked with her stern voice.
"Actually there is I was just laughing with Kai because neither of us enjoys being here so we'd like to ask if we could go home, but like only if that's cool with you."
She snapped her pencil in half in anger for me embarrassing her in front of her class but just between you and me, no one likes that old hag anyway. For some dumb reason, she sent us to the office where the principal told us to not interrupt her lessons or be rude. But cmon we already know and we don't care just let us laugh.
The school day finally ended and I walked to Grandmas a couple of blocks away. I don't know why or how but Kai literally followed me to my grandmas. I walked inside and found her grimoire laying on the table. I looked ancient and very delicate.
"Hey, Grandma where did you get this grimoire?"
"My mother gave it to me, its like a family heirloom that's passed down to the witches in the family. Arya..."
"Yeah" I replied.
"You're a very rare type of which, you know that right?"
"Well yeah I know I'm a siphon but there's almost nothing to siphon magic off of in the world"
"True but there is one thing."
"Oh yeah, and what would that be?"
"Me" she replied.
"Oh no no no I'm not doing that it's dangerous and I don't want to hurt you"
"Yes I know but I'll teach you a spell and you can siphon a little bit of magic so you can do it too, its completely harmless."
"Ok just teach me the spell and we can try"
The next moments were amazing, she tore up a pillow and made the feathers float all around us. I felt like I was inside a snow globe. I sat there and watched the feathers as I layed on the bed. Suddenly someone banged on the door barged in.
"Kai?? What are you doing here?"
"I can do that feather trick too."
There was a silence, My grandma and I turned to each other in confusion. Its not possible Kai was just a regular friend he couldn't be a witch too. Two young witches in Portland? That's crazy.
"What do you mean you can do it too Kai"
"I mean I can do that feather trick that your grandma was doing."
He layed his bag on the floor and started trying to focus on the feathers but nothing happened.
"Kai I think you're mistaken"
"Wait," he said.
He grabbed my grandmas hand and a red glow appeared within their hands.
"Oh my god," I said in shock.
"Is that what siphoning looks like grandma??"
"Yes, you basically siphon some magic out of my body so that you can do some magic too just like your friend Kai is doing here."
Kai began to start moving the feathers through the room. I was amazed by how I didn't know he was a siphon like me.
"Ok, Arya give me your hand you and Kai are gonna siphon from me and light the candles that are around the room."
"Ok" Kai and I replied.
"Repeat after me, phasmatos incendia...phasmatos incendia".
"Phasmatos incendia" we said.
Immediately flames lit the candles and the room filled with candlelight. It was so cool I wanted to keep trying to do it with new candles or the fireplace.
"Phasmatos incendia" we kept repeating to light more objects.
Without noticing my grandma's nose started bleeding we kept siphoning and she didn't tell us to stop. She fainted and hit her head on the floor. I screamed in panic.
"Kai go get help!" I screamed.
"Grandma!!!! Wake up!! Please!!"
"Help! Please! Somebody! Anybody."
I cried for the next 30 minutes waiting with her till the emergency crew came. what would I tell them? I can't tell them I was using magic because that doesn't exist to them. My mind rushed with thoughts with water pooling in my eyes. My parents barged into the hospital looking for me asking what happen I just couldn't get my words out I was so traumatized. Kai came walking in with his father's hand groped around his arm in anger.
"what happened!" he shouted out at Kai.
"It was an accident!" his face filled with fear.
Kai's dad's face fumed, he thought his son had just murdered someone when It was an accident.
"I'll deal with you when we get home."
"And you, you know better than to siphon people" he shouted discreetly at me.
My mind was a blur I could never forgive myself. Moments later a doctor came out with a clipboard and a worried look on his face.
"The patient's heart stopped and a pulse was lost I'm sorry for your loss."
thank you so much for reading chapter 2! Definitely more emotional than the last chapter but cant wait for what this story brings! Stay tuned for chapter 3!
xo, Natalia

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (kai parker)
RomanceTwo innocent souls. They grew up together as best friends until they knew each other's secrets. Their families despise each other so they always have to sneak out just to say hello or talk. They both share a small similarity but little do they know...