Chapter 1

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I do not own The Dumping Ground or any of its characters. Everything you may recognize belongs to the CBBC.

Ryan's POV

Mike and I had just gotten back from the police station. I had kept my end to agreement and told the police the truth about what happened—that I was the one who broke into Mike's car and stole Carmen's case file. I got another talking to and then I found myself in Mike's car again on the awkwardly silent ride back to Ashdene Ridge. I didn't expect it, but it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders; I felt relieved with the truth being out—at least as far only Mike and the police were concerned. He wasn't going to press charges or kick me out. The others didn't need to know and now we could move past this entire thing. More than anything, I was grateful that he was giving me another chance. Mike was letting me stay here. Though, it was true that we had our issues—because of me—but I knew that I was wrong in jumping into those conclusions. No one had ever given me another chance before, especially when I knew how much I probably didn't deserve it. I knew that I couldn't blow it. I had to be better. I didn't want to get shipped off. I actually had some friends here—the few that don't hate me—and with everything considered, I felt the safer here; the last thing I wanted was to go anywhere like my old foster homes.

"Remember what we talked about Ryan." Mike said before I was able to get out of the car. "One last chance."

I nodded, "I understand." I wasn't going to mess this up. I went inside and straight into the kitchen. I was on dish duty and I knew I needed to get on that. And I wasn't going to put up any complaints or delays. As I was finishing up the last few dishes, I noticed May-Li approach.

"Keep that up Ryan." She commented, taking notice of getting on my chores. I wondered if Mike had told her what I had done. I wasn't sure, but I wasn't stupid enough to ask. Though Mike seemed to forgive me, I wasn't sure she would be so easy to; and Mike never said I had to mention it to anyone. "Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that you have a dentist appointment tomorrow."

I dropped the plate, feeling like my heart just skipped. "What?" I knew I had heard her right, but I didn't know what for. "Um why?" I rephrased, clearing my throat.

"Just a checkup. I was looking through your file and noticed it had been a while." May-Li explained and I nodded, forcing a grin. It had been a while, more than I would care to admit. And that had to do with his previous care workers not caring enough unless someone complained enough.

"Oh, well..." I wasn't sure how to reply. What would be the best way to reply? Was there even a right way to reply? "...great."

"Tomorrow morning at nine." May-Li added and then patted my shoulder. "And try not to worry too much." I sighed, hearing that comment.

Was it that obvious? Or was that something she just said to everyone? I doubted anyone would be enthusiastic about a dentist visit. And with the little experience I had with it, it wasn't something to be excited about. But I knew this was something I could not reason with her or Mike about. And given, what Mike and I had just discussed, the thought of being sent out of here was far worse than what could happen at the appointment. It's just a checkup, it probably won't be that bad.

"Hey Ryan, want to play football?" Harry approached me and I nodded, smiling genuinely. That probably could take my mind off things. "I'll go grab it." Harry went upstairs and I leaned against the railing of the stairs as I waited for him to return.

Then Tee and Sasha stood in front of me, "We couldn't help overhearing."

"And what of it?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, we just thought we'd make sure you're alright." Tee said, innocently. But I didn't completely buy it. Since when did she or Sasha care about me? Last time I checked they didn't like me. Even if they thought I was the reason Mike was still here. "You looked a bit worried."

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