Chapter One

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Adedunke woke up to the blinding light coming from the window, she yawned and stretched tiredly. She had slept very late last night.

She had to reply to the unending birthday wishes she got from friends and well wishers, it got to a stage she was wondering how she got to know this much people. She even slept off with her phone dangling in her hands.

She sat up in bed and sleepily gave the clock on her bed side table a glance.

''Oh my God!" she exclaimed realizing how long she slept.

All traces of sleepiness finally wiped off her face.

"Why did mum not wake me up, even Aunty Sholape" she groaned internally.

Mrs Shola Adejare, Adedunke's mother doesn't condone sleeping late talk more of waking up late, she would have come with a bowl of water from the fridge to wake her up.

"So what happened today" she thought.

Maybe she was still sleeping.

Remembering she had not said her morning prayers, she quickly kneeled by her bed side, head bowed in reverense to God.

Halfway into her prayers, she was interrupted by the firm knock on her door.

"Dedunke! Dedunke!!" a raspy familiar voice whispered.

Realizing it was the house maid Omolara, she groaned internally, Lara was the only one in the house that gives her the respect of knocking before entering or in her senior sisters case barging into her room.

"Lara, kilofe I am praying o" Dedunke yelled.

"I don't want anything o, I just came to tell you that Daddy is calling you, he is in his private sitting room waiting for you." Lara replied.

"OK tell him I'll be with him shortly, let me round up my prayer." Dedunke said.

Adedunke quickly said her prayers, rushed into her bathroom, brushed her teeth and dabbed her face.

She hurriedly slipped into a black joggers and white crop top complimenting it with her black rabbit haired flats.

Black happens to be her best colour so no surprise everything asides the wall and wardrobe in her room were black even her bed sheets were black.

Closing her door behind her, she stopped for a moment.

"Where is Aunty Sholape?, even Mum and Dad have not wished me a happy birthday. What if they have forgotten."

It seemed unusual as every morning of her birthday anniversary, she would always wake up to the happy wishes and long prayers from her Dad, Mum and elder sister.

'So why is today an exception?' she wondered.

You had better leave your thoughts for now and go find out why Dad is calling you.

Her subconscious mind scolded.

Peeping head first into the sitting room, she noticed her Dad sitting on his usual white fluffy chair, her Mum was also seated on another white fluffy chair adjacent her Dad her elder sister Aunty Sholape and Lara were no exception too.

Taking advantage of her unnoticed presence, she took in her environment, it was a rare opportunity to be here as her Dad Mr Segun Adejare kept this room privately for important meetings with his associates and also his solitude.

He was a multi millionaire who loved perfection and this room was what he termed perfection.

Well no lies, it was really amazing, the room was sparkling white and everything in it was white dad's favorite colour a perfect contrast to Adedunke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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