~Dabi x Hawks x (fem) reader
Maybe running away from your problems wasn't the best idea but now there's not much you can do. You would rather run away than have to deal with abusive parents and and abusive ex boyfriend, now you're just playing a big...
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Dabi got up an walked away leaving you in pure shock and a blushing mess 'wh-what the fuck just happened' you got up, put on your jacket and walked out the door you walked up to the roof and sat down on the edge of the building. You pulled out your phone pulled out your earbuds and started listening to music
(Sorry if you don't like the song, I end it at 0:51 but you can keep listing obviously)
you started humming along to the song and eventually started singing cause no one else was there or so you thought.
"CEO, I'm savvy respect a bitch, I'm a Maverick flexible, so elastic but don't you dare bend a bitch backward" you started nodding your head along to the music to the music
"being a bitch is my kink what the fuck else did you think? Fuck a princesses, I'm a king bow down and kiss on my ring it's gonna hurt, it'll sting spitting up blood in the sink" you got up and started to dance along with the song
"daisy's on your nightstand now don't forget it blossom in the moonlight screw eyes glacial with the blue ice I'm terrifying" you stopped when you sensed someone with you. "Who are you and what do you want" you said with a stern voice...quiet "hello?". You where now a bit confused your senses where never wrong so either someone was there just not saying it or you where talking to yourself. 'What if I sing a song to make them feel sad, ugh no if it's someone trying to hurt me then they would probably know about my quirk' you thought. You finally started to sing again.
(Again sorry if you don't like the song)
"I'm rare, like these diamonds that I wear gold lace, please you like on other heartbeat racin' imma put you through these places be the best you've ever tasted" you began to walk toward the door "gon' stay on your mind, come back every time baby imma keep you" you appeared behind the stranger hiding in the shadows "Cravin".
I decided to go up to the roof to get some fresh air. Once I got there I realized (Y/N) was sitting on the edge of the building humming, I stayed in the shadows waiting to see what she might do. Suddenly she started singing her voice was nice calm and peaceful yet some what scary.
"CEO, I'm savvy respect a bitch, I'm a Maverick flexible, so elastic but don't you dare bend a bitch backward" she started to nod her head to the music playing on her phone
"being a bitch is my kink what the fuck else did you think? Fuck a princesses, I'm a king bow down and kiss on my ring it's gonna hurt, it'll sting spitting up blood in the sink" I was a bit taken aback by the lyrics, she slowly got up now dancing to the music. 'She's kinda cute wait why the fuck did I just stay that' as I was internally scolding myself she continued to sing.
"daisy's on your nightstand now don't forget it blossom in the moonlight screw eyes glacial with the blue ice I'm terrifying" I looked up and slightly snickering not loud enough for her to hear but I couldn't help it. Then she stopped 'shit did she hear me'she just stood there for a minute, then she started singing again but it was a different song.
"I'm rare, like these diamonds that I wear gold lace, please you like on other heartbeat racin' imma put you through these places be the best you've ever tasted" she started to walk towards the door 'ok so she's leaving good she didn't notice me' I thought.
"gon' stay on your mind, come back every time baby imma keep you" 'she disappeared!?'
You here behind Dabi now. You jumped back "what the fuck are you doing here!?!" you yelled at him "I came up here to get some fresh air what are you doing here" he replied still not fully recovered from what just happened "I came up here to get some fresh air get get away from you" his signature smirk appeared as he realized how he affected you. He began to walk towards you and in return you backed away (Y'all already know what's about to happen) your back hit the wall as Dabi closed the distance between the two of you.
Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
(This is kinda what I imagine the roof to look like um...bro this don't look like an apartment roof but who gives a fuck)
With your back pressed against wall you looked to the ground, Dabi placed a finger under your chin to make you look to him he lowered his head so that it was right next to your ear "is the little birdie trying to scare me?"he asked his hot breath sending shivers throughout your whole body.