Arriana's Return - Chapter 46

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 Chapter 46

Arriana walked toward the makeshift prison the following morning. The guards posted out front the night before stood and opened the door for her.

"Good morning, gentleman."

The prisoners turned to look at her. "I'm sorry for interrupting your breakfast. Did you all sleep well last night?"

One of the older men, who couldn't have been over thirty stood up. "Yes, ma'am we did. Thank you for showing mercy and kindness to us."

"What is your name?" Arriana asked.

"I'm James."

"James. That's a nice name."

"Thank you," he replied.

"Have you all thought about what I asked you last night? Will you join us?" she inquired.

"Some of us will. Others have decided to remain loyal to Lucas," James answered.

"Okay. Those who are joining us please stand to the right side of the room, those who will not go to the left," she instructed.

"Will you kill those who are not going to join you?" another younger boy asked.

"No. You will not be harmed no matter your decision. I promise you that."

The men and boys stood up and split. Forty of the once armed men went to the right while twenty went to the left.

"Good. Okay those who are on the right please line up by the door. The rest of you may go about your business. If you would like I can have books brought to you to read."

Arriana turned and headed toward the door. She pushed it open and headed to another small building with her new recruits in tow.

"Okay men. This is Aramon. He is the swords master. He will instruct you on how to fight. For those who would rather learn how to use a bow and arrow, Barwick and Marc are the trainers. Will you be able to fight against Lucas?" She asked them.

They whispered amongst one another then looked at Arriana.

"Yes, we can fight against Ki, er I mean Lucas," James said.

"After the battle, will we be able to go back home?" the boy from the day before asked.

"Yes, of course. What is your name?"Arriana asked.

"I'm George."

"George, where are you from?"

"I'm from the northern mountains"

"I see. You have family there?" Arriana questioned.


"Very good. Once the battle is finished you may all return home."

There were more excited whispers among the new men.

"What are they doing out of the prison? They should die for what they did to us!"

Arriana turned to see a young woman standing nearby yelling.

"No. They will not die. I gave them a choice. This is how they want to redeem themselves. They are joining our army and helping to defeat Lucas," Arriana replied calmly.

"They killed my family! Why should they have a chance to redeem themselves? They need to die the same way that our families did. Without mercy." Arriana heard one of the boys behind her cry.

"They were only following orders from Lucas. Look at them. Most of them aren't even teenagers yet. They're just little boys. You cannot hold a grudge against these boys and men for following orders. Save your anger and hatred for the battle. Use it when we fight against the man who decided your families should die. These men trusted Lucas to steer them in the right direction. They thought Lucas was telling them to do the right thing. They thought we were going to kill them. Do you see them? They are like us. They want to go home to their families. Too see their children, mothers and fathers. They want to live in peace and be prosperous. Just like all of you," Arriana said to the growing crowd.


"How could they believe anything that monster says?" an older woman asked.

"How could you believe anything that I say?" Arriana asked her.

"Well, you're the true queen," she replied.

"Yes, you know that. You were alive when my father ruled this land. Most of them were not. George, come here please." The young boy walked up and crouched behind Arriana holding onto her skirt with one hand and biting his lip. "This boy is thirteen years old. He is the one who almost killed me. He shoved his sword into my side, thinking what he was doing was the right thing. Do you know why? He didn't know any better. Lucas has told them that I am the one who will kill their families."

"But you would never do that Queen Arriana!" a little boy shouted.

"I know and so do you; however they do not. They had never met me before now. Should I punish them for wanting to keep their families safe? They regret what has happened and what they have done, but please, give them a chance. Let them make up for it."

There were a few disgruntled voices in the crowd.

"My husband, nineteen year old daughter and six year old son were among those murdered on the western beaches. I am taking a stand against Lucas; I welcome all of you to the army and thank you for turning against him." A middle aged woman stepped forward.

"Thank you," Arriana sighed with relief. "Now, I would like everybody to get fitted for armor, get a sword from Xander or a bow from Adie. Your training begins in one hour."

Arriana turned and walked to Barwick, Marc, Aroman and Arion.

"How do you think that went?" She looked back at the now mingling crowd.

"As well as expected. There will be tension with everyone for a while. It may be best to keep the survivors and the ex-assassins separated," Barwick said, keeping an eye on everyone.

"I think you're right. Am I doing the right thing granting them amnesty? Should I just keep them all in jail?" Arriana watched George.

He was so small, even for thirteen. She had to turn her head to keep from crying.

"You did the right thing. Don't second guess yourself. Half of those men are nothing more than little boys. Those poor kids."

"Are the rest of the troops training?" she asked Aroma, shifting her attention to the crude training grounds behind the houses.

"Yes, I have Deacon leading the swordsmen and Zoe leading the archers," Marc said, stepping up beside them.

"Great. I really think we're going to be alright," she said.

"You've been saying that every day for two months Arriana," Marc laughed.

"Yeah I know. I'm still nervous. Where have Cartra and Edgar been?"

"I do believe they're in the library." Barwick looked at her confused.

"They're going with me to the castle. I'm meeting with Lucas, today," she sighed.

"Arriana, I don't think that is a good idea," Marc answered.

"He is right majesty. It is not wise to travel to the castle grounds. Lucas will most likely try to kill you on the spot," Aroman stated.

"I know." Arriana closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"How do you know?" Barwick looked at her.

"He's evil. He doesn't care if he breaks with the Coresovan rules of war." She had a look of disgust on her face just thinking about him.

"You know the Coresovan rules of war?" Barwick looked surprised.

"Don't be so shocked. I do know how to read and research," she laughed.

"I'm just, well; I did not expect you to read up on the rules of war, that's all," he stammered.

"Well, I did. I have to learn as much as I can right? Arion will you join me?" She turned and headed to the library leaving the men speechless.

She opened the door and saw the sphinx and gryphon lying in front of the fire surrounded by mounds of books.

"Cartra? Edgar?"

"Yes Arriana?" The gryphon looked up from his book.

"There is something very important we must do," Arriana said with a hushed voice.

"What is it?" Cartra asked curiously.

"We're going to the castle."

"What? Why?" Edgar asked.

"I'm going to see Lucas. He has one chance to step down otherwise I will go to war with him," Arriana replied.

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