Chapter Three

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#3 Time Flys

(Y/n)'s POV

I had just finished with potions class with Professor Snape.

I practically had every class with Draco. I mean we were twins.... you don't separate twins.... right?

I walking through the halls to my next class as I bumped into a y'all figure.

"Watch where you're going!" I shout as I continue walking.

"I'm sorry?" A familiar voice questioned their apology.

I stop walking, turn around, and I look up at where the voice is coming from.

"You're that girl from earlier?" He asks.

"I guess so? What's it to you, Hufflepuff?" I ask.

"Feisty, aren't we? Cedric Diggory." He introduces.

"(Y/n) Malfoy."

"See you around?"

"See ya 'round." I smile, and walk to my next class which was Defense Against The Dark Arts.

• • •

A month passed by at Hogwarts. It felt like the year was going by quickly. It was lunch.

I walk over to the slytherin table, thought for one second I was going to sit with Draco. But taps my shoulder.

"Hey!" I turn around to see, Bella.

"Oh hi," I reply.

"Sorry if I scared ya," Bella says, "I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me, you can meet my friends."

I look over at where Draco's, I smile, and shrug.

"Sure, why not?" I answer with a smirk.


We walk over to an area that looks like there were other schools besides ours. I didn't care, anything to bend the rules.

"Hey, Bella! Who's this?" A brunette asks as she crosses her arms, she looks like a spoiled little filthy brat.

"This is (Y/n) Malfoy, (Y/n) this is Pansy Parkinson." Bella introduces us.

I glare at Pansy for a bit, I despised her already.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice calls. I look to where the voice is coming from to see yet a familiar face.

"Oh, it's the giant." I cross my arms, and he chuckles.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you here," Cedric says, I felt my blood boiling. I didn't even know why, I just felt so angry.

"Why? You think I don't have any friends?" I snap.

"No, it's-" Before he could finish I cut him off.

"Well for your information, I do! And I go to this school, so don't even give me that." I take a seat, and every around that area looked at me. "What?!" I yell.

They all look away, it seems as if I frightened them.

"(Y/n)?..." Bella calls.

"Sorry about that, I'm fine. Everything's fine." I reassured, but I lied.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry." Cedric apologizes.

"For what?" I ask.

"I didn't mean to upset you," He says.

"You didn't upset me,"

"Huh?" He was confused.

"I did."

3rd person POV

(Y/n) gets up from her seat, and walks away leaving the boy confused.

She decided to skip her classes for the rest of the day, she hung out in the girls' lavatory.

While she was there she heard a few people.

"Hello?! Who's there?!" She shouts.

"I believe we've met before," A familiar female voice says.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) asks as the female voice walks out of one of the stalls.

"Hermione Granger, from the train!" She exclaims.

"Right," I reply, "I remember you. I believe you're not the only one here though."

"How'd you know?" Hermione asks.

"I'm not stupid," I reply.

"Of course not, Harry, Ron!" She calla out.

Two males walk out of the stalls, as soon I take a quick glance at Mr. Miracle boy and Mr. Dummy and begin to walk off.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I have no reason to want to see Mr. Miracle boy or Mr. Dummy." I answer.

"Are you the Mr. Dummy one?" I hear the ginger ask the brown haired boy with a lighting bolt scar, and circle glasses.

"No, I think she was talking about you." He answers back.

"Wait- so I'm not Mr. Miracle boy?" The ginger asks another question.

"No, I think that's me."


I roll my eyes and look at Hermione.

"You see what I mean? He even thinks of himself as Mr. Miracle boy, it's okay you don't have to hide it. I have no reasoning in wanting to be friends with any of you." I say, and storm off.

"Jeez, she a bloody nightmare!" I hear Weasley shout with his voice cracking of horror.

I clench my fist, and shove a random person out of my way.

"Uhm, excuse you?"

(Discontinued) Mr. Perfect and Mrs. Mistake | Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now