Part 10

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                    It's been a week since I got onto the quidditch team, and I've done everything in my power to stay away from Malfoy. I guessed he was doing the same thing as it was surprisingly easier than I expected. I made sure I went to the Great Hall early, and stayed with Hermione and Ginny. And when they wanted to be alone with their guys, I went to Luna or Neville. It was okay, sure I wasn't having as much fun as I used to, not that what we were doing wasn't fun, it's just I was always missing something. I knew it was him. But I couldn't bare let myself believe it. But to stay away from him I'd been able to care for the magical creatures or do quidditch classes during defence against the dark arts. I just said I had some issues going on, and by the sounds of the letter I received back from Dumbledore he was surprisingly ok with it, as long as I caught up with it afterwards. I bet he's only letting me do this as there isn't that much to learn because we weren't exactly using magic.

As for my friends, I didn't let on too much. Just said that Malfoy was a dick, putting it mildly. Ginny and Hermione had told me one night how both Harry and Ron had a go at him in defence against the dark arts class when he asked where I was after 2 lessons of me not being in. And they apparently were saying how he didn't have the right to know, and how he was a prick. Which I wasn't going to disagree with, I just wanted to hear him again. And this kept annoying the hell out of me.

Ugh! Why can't I get him out of my head?!

I sighed, now slumping down onto my defence against the dark arts book. It was the adternoon before my first quidditch game which was tomorrow and Umbridge had made me make sure I got the work done before it. Last time, I didn't get it done by her deadline, she made the scars on my hand from the detention, become fresh again. Which now were as clear as day. Whenever I saw them I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Like seriously, why is she such a bitch? 

I let myself relax, I'd get this work done in a bit, so I let myself rest my head in the book. I'd just close my eyes...just for a minute.

I jumped up to the sound of a thump. I was so dazed that nothing was clear, something big was beside me, but I couldn't make out what. I rubbed my eyes before looking up to see a boy. Blonde hair, blue grey eyes, and a concerned look. It was Malfoy. My Malfoy. 

And then I remembered....Malfoy

I pushed my chair back, but he reached out, at first I thought he was going to grab my hand, but inistead he grabbed the chair, pulling it to him. I just at there shocked, gripping the seat of the chair as it swayed over to him, making a loud noise as it scraped across the wooden floor.

"Heeeyyy stopppp" I protested

I heard a small stifled laugh from Malfoy as the chair stopped, and looked up at him, "What do you want anyway?" I asked

"I came to tell you not to join the quidditch team" he said

My eyes open wide, I forced a laugh, "You..." I started pointing at him, "You have the audacity to come to me, after what you said, and then tell me what to do?! To tell me not to join one of the only things that brings me happiness"

He looked down for a second, before looking back at me, "Yes, it's for your own good"

"My own good?!" I said forcing another laugh, "Since when did you care about what's good for me?! No no, your just saying that because your afraid. You know we will win the game" I told him surely.

"Yeah right Night, you wish. Look just don't join" he said looking at me pleadingly

I ignored his look, "No, besides I couldn't it even if I wanted to, as I'm already on the team. And I aint leaving. So you better bring your A game. Cause were going take. you. down!" I spat, before getting up grabbing my book and storming out.

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