Chapter 65

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" 'If I am thinking correctly' said Pooh. 'A new baby is probably undoubtedly the grandest gift that could ever be"


"Did you mean what you said?" I voiced to Joe as I slowly massaged lotion into my skin while he was in the shower.

"About what?" He questioned as he turned the water off and I handed him a towel, trying not to focus on the body I had spent a good half hour in the shower with before.

"About John and speaking to him... " I stared at him while he simply nodded with a small smile.

"I honestly meant it, I know I might have been hot headed in the past when it came to him but that was only ever because he hurt you. So if he can bring you closure and seal whatever wounds may still be open then I am all for it" He stared down at me before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving the bathroom.

"But what if it doesnt bring closure?"

"Then you tried. All you can do is try to just have a decent conversation with the guy instead of avoiding him forever and then regretting it."

"You're sounding like my best friend now, not my husband" I shook my head while he chuckled and glanced over his shoulder at me.

"I do try to be objective here and there but bottomline is that you are my woman so I cant help losing my cool easily when another man thinks he can step in. Especially when it took so long to have what we do"

I pouted before smiling due to his words but didnt comment because I didnt want to discuss it any further. I wanted to enjoy our last night in Vegas just laying in eachother's arms and catching up on some shows and hopefully not hearing Jon and Brie get it on.

"You know, whenever we leave the shower I just get the complete visual of Roman Reigns" I smiled as I reached for one of his t-shirts while he flipped his hair with a small smirk filling his face due to my words.

"Because of the hair? Is that why you're so extra?" He playfully narrowed his eyes.

"Extra?" I giggled as I slipped his t-shirt over my body.

"I'm just saying, you don't scream like that when we're in bed." He shrugged referring to how vocal I was when watching one of his matches, whether it be a replay with him beside me or if Jon complained to him about how noisy I was throughout it.

"Because I don't want anyone to hear and you usually kiss me to silence me" I shyly smiled as I moved towards him and wrapped my arms around him.

I placed kisses onto his tattoo covered chest while he groaned, "Ready for more, Wild Samoan?"

"I'm always re..."

He was cut off by our door being pushed open which caused me to jump in his arms but he tightened his one arm securely around me.

"Seriously, Jon?" Joe chuckled. "I thought you guys were asleep already?"

"We were but Brie's water just broke" He simply said and my eyes widened.


"She's in the shower real quick" He added as he walked into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed while I moved over to my luggage to grab some sweats to change into since all I had on was Joe's shirt.

"She's in the shower and her water just broke... We'll get dressed and meet you downstairs in five" I glanced over at Joe who was mirroring my actions but Jon seemed to be stuck in place and despite his calm voice, did not make any action to leave the room.


"I was kind of hoping I'd stay here for five while you help her" He roughly tugged on his hair and briefly stared at me.

"Jon, it's going to be okay." I shrugged, not knowing what else to say because it wasn't like I knew what it felt like to be on the verge of becoming a parent or how his mind worked. I was used to being the fun aunt and envisioning what it would be and feel like when I brought my baby home, but that was it. I knew fantasies couldn't compare to the reality of having a bundle of joy and also the weight of responsibility that may accompany it.

"No it ain't. She was supposed to wait till after Mania, it's too soon" He shook his head and I knew it would probably be a better idea to let Joe handle it while I went to check on my sister. I did feel some sense of guilt since we had sort of predicted earlier in the afternoon that the baby would be here sooner but it was a good thing too, so Jon could be present although it seemed that he would prefer not to be.

"I'll leave you two." I spoke and grabbed my leggings and a jacket before moving down the hall to their room.

"Hey." I spoke as I quickly finished dressing and put my hair into a bun while she moved out of the bathroom, clothed. "You are way too calm"

"Oh I'm not, but I'm sure you saw Jon. Uhm the bag is over there, we need to put some food and water for Josie just in case, Mom's coming tomorrow so I will tell her to come here first thing." She spoke while I lifted the bag over my shoulder and moved along with her as I helped her walk down the staircase.

"Okay I will take care of Josie's things while we wait for the guys to come out. How are you doing with contractions?" I questioned as I filled Josie's bowls but before she could say anything Jon and Joe came down.

"Let's go get our baby!" I heard Jon and smiled as he picked up the bag I had left on the couch and grabbed the car keys while Joe moved over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Birdie Joe, your parents are ready to meet you" Brie smiled and I felt my face light up with excitement as we made our way to the car as I couldn't wait.


"Jon, you need to get back inside there man" I heard Joe as I made my way down the hallway after getting some coffee. I wasn't sure what was happening since I had only left once I knew Brie was taking a nap, even though her water broke it seemed like my niece wasn't ready to make her entrance.

"I cant see her in so much pain" He shook his head as Brie had tried her best to push but to no avail and while Joe hadn't been in the room I ofcourse was. I saw the pain he was referring to and I remember how concerned he was as well. It was overwhelming for me seeing all of that happen to my twin and this was Jon...

"Whats going on?" I questioned which caused both of them to turn to me.

"The doctor told him that the best option would be to have a C-section but he is just over it" He shrugged before running a hand over his face.

"Well you cant be over it when your daughter still needs to make her way out of my sister" I giggled and handed him his coffee.

"I know that but Im fucking scared, I cant be strong for her when Im so fucking scared" He groaned and paced up and down in front of us.

"She doesn't need you to be strong, she just needs you to hold her hand so that she knows you are there. And Im there for both of you so squeeze my hand if you need to okay?" I smiled and he slowly nodded before entering the room where Brie was still resting.

"You know this probably wont be the last time he needs to be calmed down, right?" Joe spoke as he sat down and I took a seat on his lap and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah but you are on your own next time though. I dealt with enough on the ride home yesterday" I rolled my eyes while he chuckled.

"At least you know you wont need to be concerned about me when we have our kids" he mumbled into my neck while I sipped from my coffee.

"I wouldnt be mad at it though, while its annoying its also adorable seeing how nervous he is. I will never tell him that" I smirked. "I will be the nervous wreck for us"

"And I will do my best to calm you"

"You always do without even trying, Joe"


"Oh my gosh, Brie" My heart melted as they placed the beautiful baby girl into my sister's arms. I immediately hugged Jon who seemed to finally breathe, "You did so good"

There had been some complications during the birth and I had seen the fear in Jon's eyes as she struggled to push. My sister was in pain and that hurt him so when they said she had no choice but to have a C- section he was even more concerned. However, both my sister and our sweet bundle of joy were okay.

"And you did even better!" I whispered and hugged my sister as best I could while I felt my eyes glistening just staring at her with her baby.

"I'm going to get her something" I heard Jon and frowned but nodded before watching him leave the room which just left my mom and I with her.

"You wanna hold her?" I heard Brie and immediately moved close to her once more.

"Of course" I smiled brightly and took her into my arms, she was just the cutest thing I had ever seen. I tried not to cry again for the millionth time but I already knew life would not be the same with her around. My twin sister was officially a mother and I couldn't be prouder...

"He's scared" I heard my mom as she sat beside Brie while I slowly moved back and forth, not taking my eyes off Birdie.

"To hold her? Yeah but he needs to" Brie breath which caused me to focus on her.

"Damn. She's cute" I heard Joe and realized he was next to me.

"She really is. I want one" I pouted, and his eyes widened which caused me to giggle. "I'm kidding, not now anyway. Where's Jon?"

"Ready to hold my girl" I heard his muffled voice as he walked in and was currently taking off his shirt.

"Okay super dad, sit over there" I walked over to him and set her into his arms and he gently moved her so her face was settled on his chest. Jon was my biggest annoyance in life and could often be seen as a substitute for my brother on the road.

We loved each other as siblings should and watching the unstable one as a father was a beautiful thing I would have never thought I would see. It was like he had grown up over night, I had seen how tame he could be when with my sister but this was something else. And the brief glance at my sister watching him as well let me know she probably shared my thoughts.

I moved over to my husband and tugged on his hand which caused him to stare down at me with a small smile.

"You spoke to him, didn't you?" I stared up into his brown eyes that I would never tire of staring into.

"Yeah since it was my turn, he was ready to make a run for it" he chuckled and kissed my cheek as he pulled me into his arms.

I wasn't sure when I would be a mother but I knew I couldn't wait to feel the emotion Brie felt as she stared at the man she loved holding their baby...

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