I'm pregnant.
The words from last night echoed in Hilbert's mind. He was seated at the top of the staircase while everyone was in the kitchen of the abandoned house they were staying in. He needed some time alone- to think. He took in another shaky breath and looked at the pregnancy test in his hand. Two parallel red lines on the glass screen proved it. Hilbert closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands.
It was eight in the morning, and the house was quiet. Not because everyone was still asleep. It was just that, after hearing Hilda's shocking news, no one was sure how to react. Out of goodwill, Red, Kye and Zeno congratulated Hilda and Hilbert but it was no secret that each of them felt a little... pity for the young pair. Hilda was pregnant- now, of all times.
The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs reached Hilbert's ears. They got closer and closer until they stopped a few feet in front of him. "Hey," Red said softly. Hilbert looked at him for a moment, then gazed back at the floor.
"What is it?" Hilbert murmured.
"We used the last of our food for breakfast this morning. We need to resupply,"
"Why are you telling me this? Isn't it your job to fix it?"
Hilbert spoke to Red with a hint of hostility, but Red decided to brush it off. "I need help this time. We need to bring back as many supplies as possible because sneaking into cities will be harder with each passing day. Especially with more soldiers being stationed there for the upcoming war."
"What does it matter?" Hilbert mumbled hopelessly. "Odara will be obliterated in a few days anyway."
"Hil," Red raised his voice. "I know you're under pressure from learning about Hilda's condition. But right now, we don't have time to feel sorry for ourselves. We need this food. It's for us. It's for Hilda."
Hilbert's lips trembled, and his eyes slowly turned glassy. He looked away and rubbed them with the back of his hand.
"I've already asked Kye to help us. He's ready to go. Now we're just waiting for you," Red told him.
His mind a mess, Hilbert just sat in silence for a few moments.
"So?" Red asked again.
"Let's go," Hilbert mumbled as he got up. He passed Red and walked down the stairs.
Red closed his eyes and sighed, "good."
Hilbert reached the lower floor of the house to find everybody else. It wasn't long until he found them in the kitchen- or at least it was a kitchen. It was a bare room with cracked walls and floor. A mouldy table was at its center, and that was where Hilda and Zeno was seated. The two girls looked up at Hilbert. Zeno had a look of concern, and she had her arm around Hilda. Hilda looked distraught and her eyes collected water when she saw Hilbert.
"Hilbert?" She whispered.
"I'll be leaving with Red and Kye now," Hilbert said to her. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he glanced at Zeno, "stay safe. Okay?"
"We will," Zeno nodded.
Hilda turned to Hilbert and placed a hand on his cheek. "You stay safe too."
"You don't have to worry about me. We'll be fine," Hilbert smiled to her. Then he looked around the room, "where is Kye?"
"I don't know," Zeno shrugged. "He just left a few minutes ago, saying he needed some time on his own."
"What?" Hilbert asked curiously. He left the room and searched the house. "Kye?" He called out.
"What's going on?" Red asked as he walked down the stairs.
"I can't find Kye," Hilbert told him.
"We do not have time for this," Red grumbled. The two of them continued searching the house until finally, Hilbert glimpsed Kye standing outside.
"There he is," Hilbert said in annoyance. He walked outside and saw Kye standing by himself, staring into the forest. "Kye!" Hilbert called out.
Kye jumped up in shock and twirled around. "W-what?" He asked.
"It's time to go," Hilbert told him.
"R-right..." Kye mumbled, walking past him. For some reason, Kye wasn't making eye contact with Hilbert.
"Ready to go?" Red asked as he joined them.
"Yeah," Hilbert said. Then, he glanced at Kye. Kye nodded silently, his eyes to the ground.
"We better not waste time then," Red muttered as he reached for a Pokeball. "Charizard! Let's go!"
Yaral Village was a small, rural village, nestled in a valley between Lake Aeri and the larger, Siadadil City. It was one of the few small settlements in the empire, and was the perfect place for the boys to attract the least attention. Like Thamis City, its buildings were old fashioned- an echo of Odaran architecture 200 years ago. And just like Odara 200 years ago, the village was once again decorated with Odaran war-propaganda. A great portrait of the Kaiserin, smiling and dressed in uniform, was hung at the village hall. Great banners of the empire's logo were put up throughout the settlement, and the streets were patrolled by armed troops.
Hilbert instinctively reached for his pokeball when a military jeep passed by them.
"Easy," Red said softly. "Our disguises will hold up."
"You were followed the last time," Hilbert replied.
"I know," Red said as he scanned the area. The town was nearly empty- save for the armed soldiers stationed around the place. Ever since the Kaiserin took over, an air of oppression had been hanging over the empire. "I- We, won't repeat that mistake. Besides," Red gave out a light chuckle, "I did quite a good job with our disguises didn't I? Kye?"
Kye was snapped out of his thoughts. "Hm? Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure," he said absentmindedly. Hilbert eyed Kye curiously.
"This is where we split up," Red said as they stopped near an alley. "We get what we were assigned and meet back here in fifteen minutes. Then we'll slip out together the same way we came in- through the sewers. Understood?"
"Got it," Hilbert said.
"Yeah," Kye nodded as well.
"And remember, no suspicious behavior. If you get caught, well, Game Over," Red bluntly said to them.
Hilbert went off on his own. He was assigned to buy clean water for their group. But all he could think of right now was Hilda. Why? Why now? The thought echoed in his mind. He sighed. He messed up big time, he thought to himself. Shouldn't you be happy for her? For the both of you? A voice asked in his mind.
I am. I think.
You think?
I am. But...
But what?
Now? Of all times?
The sky grew darker. It wasn't noon yet, but a great shadow cast over the town that was under martial law. It was going to rain soon.
Hilbert walked into a modest department store and looked around him. Most of the stocks were nearly sold out.
"Wir Sind im schwieriger Zeiten, mein Jung," the shopkeeper said to Hilbert, shaking his head.