Chapter 38

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5/11/11 - 8:45AM - The Fortress of Solitude -  Arctic Circle

Jon felt the coolness of the winter inside the Fortress as he stood wide-awake right next to his father already awake and standing.

"Dad? Is it you?" said Jon.

Clark then approached Jon as he took him by the shoulder and then embraced him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt any of you." Clark was saying with sorrow as he held his grown son in his arms.

"You can make things right, we all can make things right." Jon said as he looked up around the walls of the Fortress as he spoke up. "Right grandfather?"

It was only then did Clark realize they were back in the Fortress of Solitude as the wind blew small snowflakes into his face as he wondered why they were back here.

"Kal-El, before you stands your son and say to you that I am proud of you as he is of you." Jor-El said this as Jon looked at his father with the pride his grandfather had said he had.

"Your journey has not yet come to an end, Kal-El. But we see before us proof of your destiny in the son who has come to rescue you and ensure that your destiny will be achieved."

Clark then spoke up to Jor-El as well as his son. "I shouldn't have tried to push away my Kryptonian side or the life that I had lived on Smallville. I understand now I made a mistake in not holding on to a home that made me the man I am… and the father I will become. My strength comes from accepting it -- accepting you."

Jon nodded his approval as his grandfather's spirit continued. "You honor us all. A father's as well as son's pride cannot be measured in words, but know that I'm proud of you, son."

"We both are." said Jon. "It has been a long and hard road that will lead you to your destiny dad and while we are a few days early there is something that I want... No. There is something Lara, Bruce and I were planning to give you thirty-four years from now. It was your birthday several weeks ago. Your true birthday, not the one the Kents gave you. But it took time and even though it was late. I now realize that we were meant to give it to you right here and now." Jon then felt in his hand form a miniaturized version of the package as the Phantom Stranger had placed it back into his suit pocket. Jon then formed it back into its true size as he unwrapped it.

What Clark saw next took his breath away as he saw a beautiful suit of red, blue and yellow with a rich red cape as he put his hands out to touch it. "I know that there is a suit sewn by grandma Martha as she sent it to you in a box. But because of your fear of losing Lois Lane to one of Lex Luthor's wicked clones you willingly putting others in danger for the sake of the woman that you loved. Jor-El took it from you but its not forever father, it is but another trial, one in which you will pass with success as you heeded the words of Lois Lane not to become the evil you were meant to defeat.  That suit incased in a large crystal is awaiting you when you finally finish your trials but that day is not today. But I do believe now that you are meant to wear this suit, chosen by us, your children who love you with all our hearts."

Jon then handed the suit to his father as Clark felt the lightness but also the strength of the material. But then he saw in his son's hands two objects. The Legion ring that Rokk Krinn had given him before he last saw him fighting the monster of Davis Bloome. The second was the beautiful Kawatche bracelet that a Native American chieftain said was to belong to the woman he was destined to be with. After all these years he had all but forgotten it and now after what he saw in his future he realized it was never meant for either Lana or even Lois. It was meant for a woman he hadn't met yet, but from what he saw was more beautiful than he had ever seen a woman before and deep in his heart he knew that she was meant for him. Which he felt was strange for a reason he couldn't grasp, almost like déjà vu. But as he tried to explain this feeling he then saw Jon take the bracelet as he put it on Clark's head and then placed the Legion ring on the green jewel in the center.

No sooner did Jon do this did he feel a sharp noise but unlike that of the previous spell that he worked earlier didn't cause his father to wail in agony but almost smile in joy as some sort of power, whether by science or by magic was making him powerful. He then removed the ring from the jewel as well as putting the both items into his pocket. Jor-El then spoke as his voice filled the cave once more.

"We have been down our long road, Kal-El -- one paved with difficult trials. Those trials are not yet complete. But your family calls you. The feats you have accomplished will be legendary. But it is your soul, Kal-El, of which I am most proud. You -- and you alone -- possess the courage, the determination, and the compassion that will be required to save your family. Once this task is accomplished you will forget these events but you will remember them one day and I say this now as I will tell you soon to ask you to remember one thing. Your abilities may be of my blood, but it is your time in Smallville, with Jonathan and Martha Kent and all the people there, that made you a hero, Kal-El. And one day my son you will have a family of your own to continue all that I knew you could accomplish."

Clark couldn't believe this was happening now but his son did as he said words his namesake will tell him, the very words he will hear in a matter of days. "Always hold on to Smallville." said Jon as he looked upon his father. As Clark looked at the costume as he grabbed a hold of it waiting for his son to say more.

"Thanks to what I have done Cyborg will not be able to look into your mind. But we must wait a while and watch as we see someone else whose fate lies in the same faith we hold for you, towards  woman you have come to regard a friend. The power of fear may have rescued Oliver from the darkness but there is something out there that can save him. He will learn first hand that there is a power stronger than will or fear as you will see."

"See what?" said Clark.

"We found out where Cyborg and Oliver were hiding, but after tapping into his mind we unfortunately arrived too late as they had escaped. Lois is fine but now we have but another problem. Cyborg's plan is to kill our mother and since you have proven that the events of the present are effecting his knowledge of the future then by that logic if he were to prevent us by say... killing our mother."

"You could die at any moment!" said Clark.

"She is a capable warrior father who will be backed by a mighty army of thousands of warriors, but a surprise attack no matter how few can succeed if his target is only one."

"Then we have to stop him now." said Clark.

"Then you will face a man with all the experience and power on his side." Jon continued. "Trust me when I tell you this plan will work and once most of his power is destroyed then it will be the right time for you to strike."

Clark stood humbled for a moment as he still held on to his costume as he then saw Jon hold the medallion to his chest, as he was the Phantom Stranger again as he then opened what seemed like a mirror over a small tropical island. He then saw for himself the rest of the League united as they found a cave leading them straight into a cave only no sooner did they attempt to enter the cave a stream of yellow arrows fired into the sky as everyone took cover by the trees.

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