I woke up next to Ryder who was smiling in his sleep. I got up quietly so I wouldn't wake him and walked over the mirror. I pulled back my shirt to look at my mark. It was a dark wolf which was Ryder and a light wolf which I guess was me, they were both on a small hill looking up into the moon, with stars around it. Keep in mind it's not a tattoo, it didn't have any colors, but when you look at it, it doesn't look like a tattoo. The mark was small, but very detailed, it was right where your neck ends and your collar bone starts on the left side.
I closed my eyes as I felt a presence behind me. I lifted my head up so my mark was exposed and Ryder kissed it.
"Good morning beautiful." He whispered into my ear.
"Hi." I said and opened my eyes and looked into his grey ones.
I turned around and put my hands on his chest and snuggled close. When your mate marks you, you can't stand being apart from them, Piper told me her and Jace didn't even wanna leave each other to go to the bathroom so they waited outside the door for each other. I didn't believe it at first but Ryder and Zander and the rest of the pack confirmed it was true.
Ryder walked back towards the bathroom to take a shower and I went to the closet to get clothes.
I picked out a black tank top, that had a ripped back, and said CHILL BRO on the front in blue letters. I paired it with dark and light washed tye dye short shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun and out on light make up.
Ryder was out of the shower in a pair of shorts, when I walked out of the closet. His eight pack was visible and he was smirking at me. I put on little footie socks and ran out of the bedroom. Ryder got up and chased after me.
I raced down the stairs and saw Piper, Jace, Violet, Luke, Riely, and Zander eating breakfast. I went an hid behind Piper.
"Hide me." I said.
Piper sniffed the air, and Jace looked confused so he sniffed the air, then the rest of the werewolves did.
"Let me see it." Piper said turning around to face me.
"Wait what's going on?" Riely asked confused. I pulled down my tank top sleeve and exposed my mark. Piper squealed and hugged me.
"Yay my baby's all grown up!" She squealed and Violet and Riely came up to look at it.
"It's so pretty." Violet said.
"Yay now we're twining." Riely said and showed me hers.
"More like tripling." Piper said and we all smiled.
"Try whatever you call a twin between four people." Violet said and showed us hers.
"OMG Vi you did it too!" I squealed and she nodded.
"Wait that doesn't explain why you are running from your mate." Piper said and everyone turned toward me.
"Uhhh." i trailed off.
"Mack!" Ryder yelled.
"Hide meh." I pleaded.
"Fine, it won't work but get under the table." Piper said and i scurried under the table.
"Where is she." Ryder said.
Everyone shrugged. Ryder had an intense gaze on Piper, then he gaze darted to the table.
I got out from under it.
"Hey no mind reading!" I yelled and he smirked. He charged toward me I closed my eyes and stuck my hand out.
I heard a gasp and I opened my eyes, only to see a wall of water in front of me. My hand was still up and it was like I did this.
"What's going on." Violet asked.
"I-I don't know." I stuttered. Then I felt an extremely burning pain a little bit above my wrist. It felt like fire was going through my blood stream in that spot only. My arm dropped and I fell to the floor, the pain being excruciating.
"Oh my god Mack!" Ryder said and crouched down next to me.
"What-what's wro-wrong with m-me." I whispered, the pain becoming worse and worse. I screamed bloody murder because the pain got so bad. Then it all stopped. The pain was gone. I sat up and looked at my arm.
It had what looked like a tattoo of symbols of water, earth, fire and they were going in a straight line. They were small and just a plain black.
"What does this mean." I said examining my arm.
"I have no idea." Ryder answered.
"Try and do the water thing again." Piper said. I lifted my arm and moved my hand but instead of water I got air and moved it around with the flick of my wrist.
"Try with your finger." Piper said and I held out my pointer finger and fire started on the tips, I moved my finger and the fire shot.
"Oops," I said.
"Okay now try with the palm of your hand." Piper said and when I did i got earth.
"Now lift up your arm." Piper said and I did and got water.
"Okay Piper how the fucking hell did you know to do that?" I asked and put my arm down and the water dropped.
"She can control all four elements. You have a gift, and being able to control water, earth, fire and air is your gift. That's why you have that tattoo.
"Woah that so cool." I said and tried the water thing again.
"So there's a different part of my arms that control certain things." I asked and Piper nodded.
"How did you know that?" Jace asked.
"Because when I learned Mack was a werewolf I did research on that and I came across gifts." Piper answered and we all said oh.
"Well that's awesome." I said and smiled evilly at Ryder.
'You better watch out when I'm mad now' I said through the link. Ryder's facial expression turned scared and I laughed.
"Who wants to come with me while I test out my powers!" I cheered and Ryder turned to run, so I decided to use my new gift and made a wall of water appear in front of him.
"Uh uh your coming with me." I said and he groaned.
"So are you guys." I said motioning over towards the rest. They all groaned and I just laughed.
"Thanks u love you guys." I said and we walked outside.
First I tried out earth. I moved my palm up and a rock came up, then I moved my wrist down and the rock went down. I'll try out earth later I want to fire. I held out my fingers and they lit. Ryder put up a target and when I flicked my wrist fire shot out. I hit a bullseye. I clapped with joy but I started a fireball.
"Woah. I didn't know I could do this." I said looking at my hands holding the fire. I threw it at the target and it burned down. oh well onto water.
I lifted my hand to see if I could use it instead of my whole arm. I thought hard and thought of water being controlled through my hand and it came in front of me. In my hand was a little ball of water. I blew on it and saw it ripple. I blew on it again, but it turned to ice. the ball fell into my hand and I threw it at a tree and t shattered.
Then I tried something new. I took both my hands and thought about earth and moving the ground with my hands and I did. I made a little platform out of the ground of the forest. it raised up about 10 feet. Then I stepped forward to get off and another little one sprouted under my foot. I stepped the other one and then kept doing that and the rocks kept following. Then I tried two at once so I made a little tornado of air. I let the air float at my feet as it carried me to the ground.
I tried fire again threw my fists and ended up flying. The fire was powering me staying up and it wAs sooo fun.
"Wow, your a natural Mack." Piper said. I floated down to the ground to test one last thing. I imagined the water already as ice and made a wall of ice Around me. Awesome.
"I knew that would work." I Whispered inside the walls. I blew on it with fire breath and it melted away.
"This is so cool." I squealed and jumped into Ryder's arms.
"Make sure you control the fire, you don't want to accidentally burn Ryder or set the pack house on fire." Piper warned.
"Got it." I said and held onto Ryder's hand.
"Don't even think about it." he said looking down at me.
"Don't worry I wont." I smirked.