It goes on to the regular cleaning and the usual changing of my clothes. But today I felt a bit peckish. I made myself a nicer dinner than I would usually do and to reward myself; I wanted some late-night ice cream. There is this really good spot just a few blocks away and the weather wasn't too terrible.
It was snowing lightly so I put my coat on and made my way to the ice cream parlor. It was dark out and the only lights that lit my path were the street lights lined up. I enjoyed the walk and once I got there I ordered myself a nice simple scoop of vanilla. I took a seat outside and started enjoying my ice cream. I could see another figure approach the parlor but I wasn't too concerned to look. I heard the small bell ring when the person opened the door. It was a few minutes before the bell rang again signaling that the figure was exiting. The person sat beside but I couldn't see much in the dark and the person had their hood up, so I wasn't able to make out the person very well. We sat there for a few moments. It got a little awkward but then the person said "So.. What brings you out here for ice cream at this time of night?" I was quite surprised that he asked me a question. Well, I assumed it was a person of the male sex because they spoke in a very deep tone. He lifted up his hood and took his hand out to greet me. I realized that I hadn't responded to his question so as I took my hand out to shake his I replied "Nothing really. I just wanted some ice cream. My name is Colin." Once I said my name he introduced himself "I'm Alec. I'm not quite sure why I came out here." I wasn't quite sure what to say next. I didn't know enough to like him but he kind of looked cute. The snow was sprinkled in his hair and his face was slightly lit by the street lamps. His jawline was clean and as he talked it was sort of calming. I asked him what ice cream that he had gotten. He replied "I got a double scoop caramel. What about you? He looked at my cone. There was barely any ice cream left in my cone. Alec laughed a little. "Well I did have a single scoop of vanilla" I lifted up what was left of my ice cream and smiled awkwardly. I could see that he was getting a bit cold and I just wanted to throw the idea out there "Do you want to come over to my place? It's just a few blocks and there's some good heating." He quickly responded, "That sounds good!" He said it very fast. As we walked to my house I wasn't thinking about Courtney or harming Alec in any way. He seemed nice and as we walked to my house we talked about our favorite ice cream flavors and had a little debate about cookies and cream.

Just Kids
Mystery / ThrillerOriginal Characters. Contains Mature Language and some Mature Subject Matter. Made this when I was really bored. Hope you enjoy I did it. I made him go away. Everything is alright now. I can relax and watch as the flames eat his body. I watch as hi...