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Frisk - 17 (28 January 2000)

Jack - 17 (2 February 2000)

Kai - 17 (29 February 2000)

Sky - 17 (20 November 2000)

Angel - 16 (30 March 2001)

James - 16 (19 August 2001)

Violet - 16 (7 September 2001)

Chara - 15 (25 June 2002)


The age and their birthday were made by me!!

I just made it up, so it'll became easier for me!!

Some of Frisk Info:

They still look the same like on the last pick, they always wore the same cloth, but when they were home, they just wore the Sweater- And somehow they were NEVER felt really hot..

Chara POV

Things had been going just fine on the Surface, also, I was the Ambassador, since no one wanted to be the Ambassador- so, yeah- Good thing that Frisk is going to help me, plus their Magic to make multiple 'Flying Hands', things had been going just fine, also, they could also Teleport, but their Magic still using part of the Void in  their SOUL-

Also, Frisk could access the Void, while us need to go through that Door in the Waterfall, then we could get to the Void-

Anyway, we were on the living room, waiting for mom and dad talk.

"Alright child.., you guys will be going to a Senior Highschool.."

"WHAT?!" We said, surprised

"You guys are going to a Senior High.., don't worry, you will be going to a Monster-Human School!!" That's good.., but still..

"And I was one of the teacher there child.." Mom is the teacher there? wow..

"Ok then.., so when will we go there?" Violet asked

"You guys will be going Tomorrow"


"We're really sorry.., but that was the school choice.., and Chara, you still need to attend meeting, just the schedule will be changed.."

"I see.."

"Alright.., you guys can go now.., me and Asgore will buying your school stuff.., and you will going to school tomorrow with a school bus or maybe Teleport."


And then, we are go to do our thing..

~The Next Morning

I woke up and look around,

'It seems like Frisk is awake already, huh?'

Yes. We share room since both of us were Non-binary-

'Oh well, I better getting ready for Hel- I mean- School'-   :v

"Chara? Your awake?" Suddenly Frisk asked me from behind the door

"Yes, yes I am Frisk!" I just answer their question

"Alright- ✋︎ ☹︎☜︎❄︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 👍︎☟︎✌︎☠︎☝︎☜︎!"

Alright- I let you change!

It seems like the language is still really attach to them, eh?

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