A battalion is lost in the argonne...... no, just kidding. Alex and his platoon of Abrams tonks are fighting an unknown enemy in the woods, when suddenly, a flash blinds both sides, and they eventually (load world) wake up in another island.
(I wou...
The day passed. Alex was feeling uncomfortable after sitting in one chair for a long period of time, and decided to take a walk.
Reminds me of something
He had asked his friend Jonathan to join him.
"So, when'd you get here?" Alex asked.
"A few months ago. One moment I'm working on my two wheeler, the next, I'm in mini-Japan."
The two laughed. The sun was under the Horizon and the trees swayed as they were hit with the ocean breeze. The grass also moved, the breeze was soft, calm. No clouds were in sight, the familiar dark blue of the night moved slowly, taking over the orange and bright sky of the day.
"When did you decide to join Azur Lane?" Alex decided to ask more.
"Well... long story short, I thought Azur Lane needed the help," Jonathan said. "During a raid against the Sakura Empire, I escaped on a destroyer. The ship's owner, Baltimore, found me and it was announced two weeks later I was 'commander'."
"That is... Interesting. Anyway, I think we've finished our walk. I would like to face combat with one of these... Sirens."
You will soon, Jonathan thought.
The next day, Alex woke and put on his uniform. His schedule was more than screwed. He'd apparently woken up at 7:34, four hours more than he usually would. The reason? He spent a ton of time cleaning his rifle. He'd face his first crisis today, Azur Lane needed resources, the resources on the Island were running out. He'd ordered a team of scout ships to find a suitable island for coloniz- I mean setting up an outpost.
They found an Island alright, the thing is, it had a Red Axis Base on it.
Alex himself ordered an invasion of the base. He'd be participating in it.
15 days later.
Scouting had been complete, his intel was solid enough, his plan was ready.
Some girls will be escorting the US Navy ships
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I know, I know it's low quality af. I lazy a'ight?
The Abrams company rolls from the specially made landing craft, Infantry following close by. the
"Zulu 1-2, 1-3, right echelon," Alex spoke into his radio softly.
First platoon lead second platoon while third and fourth platoons split off.
"First and second platoon, stop advance," The eight tanks stopped.
Suddenly, a hail of bullets whizzed by the two platoons.
"Zulu 1-1, this is Zulu-"
An explosion cut the transmission off, Alex poked his head out and saw two burning Abrams tanks. "Damn it! All teams, clear to engage!"
"Sir, these new positions weren't in briefing!"
"I know that, now keep driving... what the hell?!"
A Futuristic looking Tiger-II tank crossed in front of the platoon, firing a round, straight on Alex's tank. "Fu-"
His tank flew, flipped on its side.
Alex slowly opened his eyes, his crew was being dragged behind a line of Marines. he lay there on the grass, trying to move himself back behind the lines...
Bullets whizzed past, the Marines fell back, alien troops approached Alex's position. He had to think fast. Alex got up, grabbing his 9mm and rolling behind some bushes.
"How- crap..." He was surrounded.
a branch snapped next to him and the alien troops aimed their guns at his position. He quickly went prone.
"Was ist-" One of the soldier suddenly grabbed Alex from behind, two others pointing a gun at him.
"Take him with us, he could be useful. Kill any others you find."
Alex was swiftly knocked out, tied, and brought to a transport.
Avery was yelling at some poor Marine who saw Alex's tank explode. "What the hell do you mean you couldn't get to him? Some little green men stopped you?!"
"S-Sir... they were shooting everything on sight, we would've lost the whole squad if we stayed!"
"Avery, cut it out, load your damn tank in the craft, we're going back. Alex is lost..." Jonathan had taken command. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going to do some business of my own."
He walked off to the corner, taking off the helmet and revealing a new uniform underneath.
"Oh Alex will be gone alright... just you wait."
He made his way to a small Ironblood position, grabbing some troops who escorted him to the base.
A few miles away.
The fleet received a single message from Zulu company. "Alex is lost, we're heading home."
The surface fleet came home, the news was revealed. Even though they'd only known him for a short time, a large amount of ships mourned for him.
Especially, the younger Yorktown sisters.
Alex opens his eyes, waking up in a semi-dark room. "...Kommandant is awake? Good. sadly, our friend isn't here yet."
He looked around the room, looking for the source of the voice. A familiar figure came into view, putting their face directly next to Alex's.
"Remember me, Kommandant?"
The German accent, (Clearly fake) was recognizable. "Prinz..."
A laugh, then a door opening. "Oh... finally."
"Alex, Prinz, I hope you don't mind me being late."
Alex looked up. "W-Who are you...?"
"It's me, Jonathan, surprised to see me, old friend?"