Chapter 11 - Cole Whitman
I woke up and couldn't help but smile at the memory of last night. I had my first date and believe it or not my first kiss. I looked around my room and stretched out my arms as the sun light shown through my curtains. I got up quickly and hopped in the shower turning on some music.
I don't know exactly how long I was in their just that when I got out I only had twenty minutes before I needed to be at school. I mentaly slapped myself and hurriedly got ready. After blow drying and straightening my hair I only had seven minutes left.
"Shit!" I cussed throwing on some clothes. I looked in the mirror and was thanking the lord that I wore water resistant makeup yesterday. I still had enough on from last night that I didn't need any more...well maybe a little. I quickly applied a light layer of eyeliner and mascara before running down the stairs and hopping on my baby. Yes, I have a motorbike so sue me. I put my helmet on and reared the engine looking at my phone.
"Danm it" I quickly took of towards the school. Luckily the school is only like two minutes away from mine so I made it literally just in time for the bell to ringe. I made my way to my math class and walked in knowing the teacher wouldn't be here for another couple minutes. I scanned the class and froze when I saw the worst thing possible. Jace's eyes flew up to me and he got to explain to me why he was sucking face with Tiffany.
"Riley it's not what it looks like." He said making my blood boil. What the fuck was it? Did she need mouth to mouth? Was she dying!? I yelled inside my head. On the inside I was completely torn, but on the outside I put up a wall.
"It doesn't bother me." I said looking him straight in the eye. He looked at me confused for a second.
"The truth is Jace, that you don't mean anything to me. You can go bang Tiffany in a closet for all I care, you are just a toy for me to play with." I said walking past him and over to my seat. Everyone watched me for a second until the teacher walked in.
"Okay class, today we have a new student joining us today." Mr. moss said causing my ears to perk up. I looked around the room and stopped at the doorway. His eyes connected with mine and it was like I was seeing a ghost. His emerald green eyes were staring at me for what seemed like forever. He walked in still not looking away from me until the teacher spoke.
"Class this is Cole Whitman, he just moved here from New York. Would you mind telling the class a few things about yourself?" he said motioning him to the front of the class. He looked at me again then smirked.
"Hello everyone, as you already know my name is Cole Whitman and I just moved from New York." He said smirking. The teacher looked a bit annoyed at him now and I giggled making a few people look at me.
"Anything other than that?" Mr. Moss asked. Cole looked back at me his smirk growing wider.
"Yeah actually, it's great to see you again Riley." he said smirking at me. I ignored the looks I was getting from everyone as I stood up and started walking to the front of the class room. He had a huge grinn on his face from ear to ear and all I could think is "god how I missed that smile."
I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as he spun me around. We hugged eachother tightly but then let go when the teacher cleared his throat. I looked at Jace and he was gritting his teeth and glaring daggers at Cole.
"Mr. Whitman, Miss. Carter please take your seats." he said looking annoyed and a bit confused. Luckily I had a seat right behind mine, we sat down and the whole class started drifting by slowly. I felt Jaces eyes burning holes into the back of my head the whole time but I didn't bother to grace him with my acknowledgment. I few more minutes went by and a paper ball hit the back of my head.
I turned around to see Jace sitting back in his chair looking annoyed. I picked it up and threw it back at him hitting his forhead. I turned around and was instantly smacked once again by the paper ball. I opened it and read it in my head.
"Riley please let me explain. It didn't even mean anything. It was just a kiss. I care about you." I finished reading the note and was furious. What a fucking man whore! I got out my pen and scribbled onto the paper and through it back at him. He looked at it confused and then looked back up at me.
"Well this is how much I care about you." I wrote it down and did the last thing expexted of me. I tapped cole on the shoulder and kissed him when he looked up. He was about to pull away but then understood what I was doing. He kissed me back and in seconds it was a full on make out session. Everyone was looking at us when we pulled apart and Jace looked hurt. Good, he should be. He stood up and stomped out of the class leaving me in victory. Cole smirked at me and I smirked back at him.
Authors note/: what will happen next!? Dun dun dun. Wilk this fake relationship stay fake or will it grow into something more? Please bote and comment. Thanks for reading

Playing The Game
RomanceHe's new, hes sexy, he's a bad ass, and did I mention he's also my neighbore? Riley Carter isn't exactly noticed at her school, actually she tries to blend in with the crowd. That is of course until an old family friend moves in next door. Jace And...