Hours earlier
Standing on a rooftop overlooking the White House Russian-British assassin Sean Adamson pressed the trigger on the detonator he now holds in his hand. If he guessed correctly the improvised explosive device, or IED, planted in the vase, will kill the Vice President of the United States on the spot if she approached. After pressing the detonator he picked up a pair of binoculars equipped with heat vision and looked at the direction where the vase is located. When he tracked it down he saw a woman's body shape in heat vision, indicating it to be the Vice President of the United States Isabella Reagan, whom the Secret Service called her by the code name Lone Star.
But he underestimated how fast her reflexes are as she whirled and jumped back into the room just as the vase exploded. He couldn't believe what he is now seeing through the binoculars, as he thought she was just a normal human without any training like the various bureaucrats he killed beforehand. He guessed that the intel on Isabella Reagan is correct. He should've seen it coming : West Point cadet, fought in the War on Terror in both Afghanistan and Syria. She laid on the ground with her back after the explosion, and a man rushed in a few minutes later. He contemplated assassinating both of them but the entire White House is reinforced with think bulletproof glasses. Not to mention the fact that he saw the American President's limousine enter the White House compound. Continuing to monitor the situation he watched as the man carried her in his arms and rushed out of the scene. Two more men followed and they all rushed up to the third floor of the building. "It's bloody luck that you survived." he muttered.
Taking out a new burner phone that replaced his old one he dialed Mikhail's number and the Russian picked up after a few rings. "You didn't finish the job I hired you to do!" the Russian screamed on the other side.
"I underestimated our target." Sean explained, maintaining his cool despite his client's anger. "She wasn't that bloody powerless you imagined her to be."
"Enlighten me with it." he said. "You are targeting the woman that is Vladimir Romanov's niece."
"I'm not interested in knowing who is she related to. Let me get the job done and wire me the money."
"Fine." Mikhail said. "You and I, we're not done destroying America yet."
But a few blocks away two figures, a male and female, are watching Sean from afar through binoculars. The figures belong to James Collins and Helen Wentworth, agents of MI6 working for their common superior Roland Churchill. "Target sighted." she said. "Chief?" no response. "Chief?" a few minutes later vehicles screamed up to the area and forensic personnel climbed out of the vehicle. "Who in the bloody hell got in there?"
"I hear you two, loud and clear." the chief replied. "There's been an attack on the White House. I'm pretty sure that Adamson is paid to kill her."
"Her, Chief?"
"It's Isabella." James replied. "Whoever's behind this, he or she knows his target well."
"I completely forgot that she became Vice President of the United States." Helen said. "Girl's bloody well done on her part."
"Last I heard Helen, you inherited your father's business. You're not so bad yourself."
"Stuck in rainy London for life? No bloody thank you." she said.
"Hey, I love my life." James said.
"She ran into the grasps of the FBI and got plucked up by the new president to be his Secretary of State and now the Vice President. She's been lucky with her life?"
"Kind of." said the MI6 chief. "The President has a relationship with my cousin during college. Ended on friendly terms and Alix married Isabella's father."
"We know what followed later, but the most powerful man in the world fell in love with Isa's mother?"
"I'm surprised as you do Helen." James said. A few minutes later a green and white helicopter flew towards the White House and landed. "That's Marine One."
"What?" Helen asked.
"Marine One, the helicopter the Americans used to transport the President of the United States around the country. It's a model normally flown by qualified US Marines."
"Is the president leaving?"
"My guess is that President Reagan asked the three of them to be evacuated via Marine One. I don't think that people will fall for that, Isabella might be having the same idea."
"Yes, the Second Family of the United States."
"You sure that you got the source right James?" Helen asked. "Isa's still single when we last met."
"When you last see her you mean." James said. "I got in touch with her after the whole murders of the veterans. She gave birth just last month."
"Gave birth? She's a mother now?"
"She married that bloke three years ago. Remember that bloke at the party scene?"
"Which one? The guy with a lady that is always looking at Isa?"
"That one. The bloke seemed to be in love with her."
"Uh, I saw him in the tabloids before."
"You two might as well don't dig too deep." Churchill's voice interjected the chat. "Isabella knows something about him that we shouldn't know."
"Seriously, when was the wedding?"
"I don't know. I'm on a mission." James shrugged. "You're in Paris for another mission right?"
"Yeah I am." Helen said. "Hang on, the chopper's lifting off." As soon as Marine One lifted off the ground the assassin disappeared from the roof. "Chief? You got a problem."
"Sean Adamson disappeared." James reported.
"Ok, where are you two now? I'm on my way."
"On your way Chief?" Helen asked. They don't have to wait for a reply as Roland Churchill showed up in a Range Rover SUV.
"Get in here. We're heading to California." he said.

Russian Roulette
Mystery / Thriller"This is a crossroad Isabella." he said. "There will be no return if you were captured." "Can I even turn back?" I asked.