“Tilley? Are you okay?” Natalia asked softly, “Maybe you should sit down and breathe.” Natalia guided her towards a rock to sit on.
Olivia looked excited. Anticipation had made a glow around her. She bounced on her toes like a little kid waiting for her ice cream. She looked so innocent. Her blond pigtails flapped in the air and her blue eyes shone like the sun light ocean. She wore a pink two piece that complemented her cherry lipstick and I have to admit, I didn’t realise how seriously she took her “summer body” thing.
Natalia was pretty much like me with her aqua green two piece and grey singlet. “You guys go. I’ll just walk down.” Tilley suggested. “Okay, no. you made me walk up here and now you’re going to jump with me!” Olivia encouraged in her unique way.
“Liv!” Natalia scowled. “You made it this far,” I said softly, “You might as well jump with us.” She shook her head at my words. I sighed, “Well is there anything I can do to help or do you want to walk back down?”
“Hey Quinn! Can you and your ladies speed it up?” Kelvin complained. I turned to look at him and his gang of St Westhound boys. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Tilley. “Actually, you have a way with words. Do you think you could do something for me?” she asked with a mischievous smile. The three of us bent over and leaned in to hear what she had to say. My eyebrows shot up as I listened to her plan. I looked over to the boys and nodded to say Kelvin was still there. I nodded as she spoke and smiled. “Are you sure?” we asked carefully.
“I get that were not friends but do a girl a favour. I’ve never tasted sexist-werewolf before.”
We all exchanged final looks. I nodded then walked over to the boys watching us. “Hey Kelvin.” It didn’t take much to gain his attention. We walked towards each other, meeting in the middle ground, away from our groups, “We got off to a rocky start so I’m giving you the opportunity to make things right.”
“I don’t trust you but I can hear you out.” He led me away from the groups to a side so I started. “See my friend there sitting on the rock.” – he nodded – “she is supper scared to jump off. She really wants to, but she’s freaking out and needs a big strong man to jump with her,” I’m playing with his pride. “She is a vampire and you know how people have… needs.” I’m playing with his whoremones, get it whore-mones “so there might be something in it for you. I can tell you’re an angry guy and she is good at handling boys with frustrations so there might be something in this for both of you. All you have to do is hold her hand and jump.”
He processed my words for bit. “I don’t trust you.” But he walked past me to talk to Tilley anyway.
“You really do have a way with words” Kaleb whispered huskily in my ear.
“Holy sugar!” I nearly jumped out of my skin! I gripped at my chest in case my heart wanted to jump out on to the ground and tried to breathe. “Don’t ever_ Just don’t.” I have no words so I walked away.
“I saw that.” Natalia sang.
“Shut up.”
“Wow sassy.” Olivia pinched her lips together and snapped her fingers for effect.
I rolled my eyes at her and moved to the edge. I slid my long cardigan off my shoulders and threw it to the side.
“Stop being a prude Ashby! Show us your tits!”
Ignore them Quinn. Just have fun.
I moved back a bit and made a running start and leaped off the edge. I don’t mean to brag but I did a few flips on my way down.
Coz’ I’m a boss ass bitch.
I did gymnastics.
The water swallowed me up whole but gave me the shook I needed. Bubbles of life fizzled around me and opened my eyes in the clear water. It gave me a fresh look of clarity.
I’m feeling poetic.
I resurfaced to the sound of cheers. I moved out of the way so I could look up and to see Natalia and Olivia holding hands with their hair flying in the wind before they landed near the place I did. Olivia came up screaming “Ahahahhahh! Let’s do it again!”
So we did. Over and over. I taught her how to do a backflip and tricks so that the three of us could do it together. It was awesome.
Damon stood close to the edge, looking down at the water then back at us. The low lying sun made a glow around him and beads of water glistened, “Now you guys are just sho_” Damon didn’t get to finish that sentence before Natalia tackled him off the edge. We cheered for her when she came up for air and all the spectators ‘woohed’. Most people sat in the makeshift spars a group of elementals made and hooked up with each other or drank.
I finished the second beer Jackson got me while we sat at the top of the waterfall and talked. Two beers is my limit.
I watched the sun set and the moon begin to rise. It’s getting kind of dark now. But it’s my turn to watch Malcom for a while. We are such good friends looking out for him!
I played with the curls of his hair while he lay on my lap. “Hurry up and wake up! I’m supposed to go and find Kaleb. He needs help with his project.” I grumbled more to myself but aloud none the less. I hate disappointing people! Poor Malcom. What messed up herbs did they give him? It would have to be something average. That is all I can figure out.
Malcom is only a Gifted. That means he was influenced by mundane habits. Which means trying some weird drug doesn’t really surprise me when it comes to him. Human teenagers are very experimental in more ways than one.
Jackson: You want me to take over?
Me: Yes please. I’m supposed to go help a friend with their project. I kind of promised.
Wait, did I just refer to Kaleb as a friend?
Jackson: That’s cool. But you owe me.
Me: You bet I do!
I carefully slide my thigh out from under Malcom and put a round piece of wood in as a replacement. Our jumpers were being used as his blankets. Jackson came close enough for me to leave so I waved goodbye to him and bounced.
I hope it’s okay that I’m a bit late. I promised I would help him.
I wondered around for a while to no avail. The closest to Kaleb I found was Kelvin who was in the midst of ecstasy from Tilley. From what I’ve heard, it can be very… erotic to be feed on by a vampire if they’re being careful. It’s like a really really intense hickey. Not that I would know. It was quite weird to watch but captivating at the same time.
Also, pretty unsanitary. But I suppose that’s what makes it ‘hot’.
I would never let a vampire feed on me. I’m too proud of a witch to stoop down to their level. No ofence. But saying no offence kind of means nothing when you say something offensive yet people say it all the time.
You outfit looks like my dogs ass, no offence.
You have a sad life, no offence.
Your mum looks like Jewbakkah’s armpit, no offence.
Back to the point, I mean seriously, feeding off the living. Witches are born to protect life, not feed on it. Well maybe that’s debateable. But originally, witches were born to protect, werewolves were born to guard and vampires are designed to kill.
Tilley held his hands while grinding on him and feeding or whatever at the same. Dayum that girl to can multitask. Shiiieever me timbers.
I turned away and continued my search. Why do I even care? I don’t even remember promising to help him. I don’t even know what this project is. Why did I_ ooohhhh. Riiiiggghhhht. He compelled me. Apparently. I would remember. Oh well, it makes sense, with the violet eyes thing. Maybe he’s special or something? I don’t know.
I’m an idiot.
How did I not even realise this sooner? It makes sense with the strength and the speed when he was fighting. I know I’m slightly stronger than your average witch but there is no way anything other than a hunter or vampire could have stopped some of the sparing he did and he is definitely not a hunter. But when did he compel me? All the other times his violet glazed eyes shone at me, nothing happened.
Oh weow! Good job Quinn! He’s been trying to compel you this entire time and you didn’t even notice. One place Quinn. One place.
Walking into a tree brought me back to a painful reality.
I need to make decision.
I’m going to find him.
“Looking for me?”
Well that was fast.
“Yeah… your project…?” I trailed.
“You okay?” he asked. He walked up to me and placed a soft hand on the side of my face and caressed my cheek. There was something weird about him touching me. I don’t like people touching me. All I can think is that is just a really big, soft hand.
You know what they say about boys with hands.
They need big gloves. ;)
“Please don’t touch me.” It came out weaker then I wanted. Don’t ask me why! I don’t have all the answers! He pulled his hand away and frowned at me. “Why?” he asked. I put space between us and turned away for dramatic effect and began my Bella impression, “You can compel people. You’re impossibly fast and strong_”
“Don’t you fucking dare Twilight me!”
“You’re a_AAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhh”
My scream turned into a lustful sigh as I was consumed by a beautiful pain. My eyes scrunched up like I ate something sour but then they relaxed. I let my head fall back into his hand and sighed at the feeling. He put his other hand to the small of my back to pull me closer.
He walked my back towards a tree and I arched my back towards him. Partly because that tree trunk has painful broken sticks poking at me and partly because I wanted to be closer to him. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my breathing turned shallow.
It felt so good. I felt delicious. He moaned into the crock of my neck and almost pulled away. My hands tangled their way through his soft hair holding his face in place. I sighed in ecstasy and felt him moan into my skin making my neck tickle.
Then he stopped and pulled away I couldn’t help but be disappointed and feel slightly empty since his fangs were no longer in the wholes of my neck. I watched my blood drip from his pearly white fangs. My hands were still in his hair and he still had an arm on my waist and the side of my head. He looked at me and I looked at him.
Everything around us seemed to blur into blackness but what he said next brought me back to my senses.
“You’re a half-blood?”
In a second, everything that just happened crashed through me. On reflex, I altered my grip on his head and thrust my arms sideways, snapping his neck. I watched him drop on his knees then fall face down on to the ground.
He feed on me.
I looked down at his body and started stomping and thrashing at the ground around us and screamed “MUFFIN TRUCKER!”