3.Out Into Town

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June 1942

(Third-person POV)

"Everyone up!" the petite woman yelled, banging a spoon against the pot in her hand, rousing all in the orphanage except Tom and Madeline, who were already awake. The children shuffled to the kitchen, where a dubious substance, allegedly food, awaited them. Madeline, unfazed, quickly consumed her bowl of watery oatmeal. Noticing Tom's absence, she headed to his room. Her cold, delicate hand rapped on the aged wooden door, prompting Tom to peer out, his body shielding the view into his room. "What do you want?" he asked, his tone hiding nothing of his annoyance. "Aren't you going to eat?" Madeline asked gently, only to be met with an eye roll and a brusque, "Why do you care? Leave me alone," as the door shut abruptly in her face, leaving her puzzled and hurt. 

(couple of hours later)

All individuals over fifteen were permitted to enter the town for their necessities or work. Madeline, unfamiliar with the town and its shops, was certain of her destination: a library or bookstore. She moved against the tide of people, diverging from the direction most were headed as she left the dreary place she resided. Her journey led her through a scarcely populated part of town until a particular shop caught her eye. Entering, she was greeted by the sweet yet musky aroma of aged books. She made her way to an aisle, beginning her search for a cherished book.

"Are you new around here?" she heard a deep voice inquire. Turning, she saw it belonged to a young man. "Pardon?" she asked. He clarified, "Sorry, I meant to ask if you're new in town. I almost recognize everyone here, but your face is new to me, and it's not one I'd easily forget." She smiled at the compliment and confirmed, "Yes, I am new." He offered, "May I help you find something?" Gratefully, she mentioned her search for the book 'Pride and Prejudice,' hoping he might know its whereabouts. "Ah, you're looking in the wrong place, but fortunately, I know the exact spot," he said. As he began to lead the way, he paused, extended his hand, and introduced himself, "By the way, my name is Charlie."

"Follow me," Charlie said as they exited the store and walked down the pavement road, not looking back to see if any cars were approaching, "Right this way, the owner is quite secretive, but I know him personally." She followed him into the alley, not questioning his intentions, but they ended up at a brick wall, prompting her to wonder what she had gotten herself into. Before she realized what was going on, she was pinned to the side by the heavy body and was being groped by his filthy hands against her will. "You're a nice one, aren't you?" he said in her ear, bringing a frown to her face, "espèce de bâtard, je te préviens maintenant, si tu ne me laisses pas partir, tu vas le regretter. (You punani bastard, I warn you now, if you don't let me go, you'll regret it.)" attempting to wiggle free from his grip, but he only pinned her tighter. He then began trying to undo his belt holding his trousers up with one hand while leaving the other to try and keep Madeline from escaping. Trying to concentrate, just when she was about to unleash her power, she heard a familiar voice say the word crucio causing Charlie to wince in pain on the ground. "Please!! Leave me be, you can have her she is yours!".

"Vous êtes un humain répugnant et immonde ! (You Foul Loathsome Human!)" Madeline screamed angrily. "Je me souviens maintenant pourquoi je méprise votre espèce. (I remember now why I despise your kind.)" Finally, with unwavering focus and without hesitation, she echoed the words Tom had used to save her, unaware of their meaning or power, and the words flowed from her lips as if they were meant to be spoken without the need for a wand. Charlie was lying still on the ground, alive until Tom came near and cast a curse, causing the young man's soul to depart from his body. Madeline walked away quietly, not realizing that Tom was behind her. They had made their way back to the orphanage, and Madeline stood at the door to her room. Just as she was about to close the door, a hand stopped it, and turning, she saw the curly-haired boy.

"Are you okay?" he asked, but her reply was as sharp as his earlier demeanor. "Why, do you care?" she retorted with a strong French accent, distancing herself from the doorway, aware that she couldn't push him out due to his strength. "I deserve that, but come on, I just saved you, you have to acknowledge that," he argued, closing the door and entering the room where the chilly air caressed her cheeks. She stepped closer to him. "I don't need help, I'm fine on my own," she declared angrily, turning to leave, still upset about the earlier events. "Oh sure, that was evident when he had you against the wall," he remarked sarcastically. She spun around to face him, questioning, "Why do you care?" She regarded him with contempt as though he was someone else entirely, but he had earned it...

( A/N: I wonder why he cares all of a sudden?? Hope you enjoyed this chapter and make sure to like and comment if I've made any mistake, please feel free to tell me <3 )

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