ZDolls don't carry weapons.

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"Shit." Ivy rushes to the gap in the wooden boards making up the wall of the little shack they sought shelter in last night.

"H-how close are they?" Ivy stammered more to herself than to May. Pushing back her messy, long fire red hair out of her eyes, she crouches and looks through the gap and gasps.

"There's four of them." She said in alarm as she turned back to May. May was crouched down in the middle of the shack, her black hair covering her eyes as she digs around in her bag.

"Where is it? I know it's in here somewhere!" May trembled as she searched. Not returning Ivy's worrisome glance.

Looking back through the gap Ivy sees one of the ZDolls move ever so slightly. From this far back its hard to determine what is going on, but something is definitely going on. Then she sees it. The glint of the blade.

"ZDolls don't carry weapons." She states out loud. May stops her search and stands up, tripping over her own feet to get to the gap. She crouches next to Ivy and pears through the gap in awe.

"A Vampire?" May questions in a whisper. The girls see that three of the figures are in tidy black business suits of the old world (before the plague killed every human). And are thin, tall and have pale skin. Those are the ZDolls. The other figure is shorter, of athletic build and is very tanned.

"No, Not a Vamp. He's too...." Ivy tries to think of the right word.

"Different." She marvelled.

One thought darted into Ivy's mind.

"Another human...?" She thought. It had been three and a half years since Ivy and May were run out of the ruins. The Zion Clan let lose allot of zombies to scare the remaining humans out of hiding so they could capture them and ready them for their farms. They succeeded too. All of Ivy and Mays friend and family was slaughtered or captured that day.

"Its head!" Mays voice brought her back out of her thoughts, and her eyes focussed immediately as one of the ZDolls bodies hit the ground without its head. Two of the others suddenly take off like silent bullets, a blur heading towards the horizon. Now only one loan figure is left.  

She turns to look at May who is steering in shock. May looked sickly with her pale skin and ragged black bob for hair. Her body even more gaunt than yesterday.

"We have to keep moving." Thinking to herself.  Ivy quickly glances out the gap one last time as she grabs her bag before pushing open the lose bored to exit the shack, followed close, by may.

The girls move fast and silent as they draw closer to the figure. May slips her hand into Ivy's, indicating that she is frightened. Ivy feels a light squeeze and then her hand being released, hinting that May has also seen that this person is in fact, just that. A person. More specifically a male. He is just standing there, unmoving. His machete hanging by his side, glistening in the late sun light. The slight breeze blowing his muddy brown hair away from his face showing that he is very good looking. Definitely not a Vampire, nor a ZDoll, and definitely not a Plagued one either.

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