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New York New York

"She anit even knew him a whole year and she playing mommy and house wife''Aaliyah ranted to Nicki as they sat in the living room

Aaliyah honestly was jealous and envious of Ariana she's only been in New York 6 months and has a successful nail and hair shop

"We don't know anything about their friendship or whatever they've got going"Nicki said she honestly didn't care about shit Aaliyah was talking about she was just trying to be a good friend and let her vent

"So what I've known Dave for yearssss he's never once trusted a soul this much especially with his daughter"Aaliyah said

Nicki just shook her head and continued to type away on her computer

Nicki felt that it was a good thing Dave went to get help she knew it was something he's been needing for years

"Look Liyah you need to tell them how you feeling because I will not play middle man"Nicki said scrunching her face up a bit

Aaliyah just scoffed and walked away going to her room she couldn't believe Jayda or Nicki wouldn't side with her


Ari sat in her office filling out paper work while Kairi sat in the chair playing with her baby waiting for her Grandmother to come pick her up

"Ari I hungry"Kairi said getting up from her seat

"Here"Ari said handing her some fruit she was eating

Honestly Ari was growing tired of New York she missed her family back in Chicago and Louisiana but she refused to move backwards

There was a knock on the door cutting her out of her thoughts

"Ms.Fletcher Jayda is asking for you"Donna said poking her head in

"Send her in"Ari said closing her billing books opening up a different one

"Hey pooh"Jayda said walking in waving

"Hey poohhhh"Ari dragged giving her a hug

Jayda was worried about her bestfriend she could tell something was off she just couldn't put her finger on it

"Hey Kairi"Jayda said sitting in the seat in front of Ari desk

''Hi"Kairi said lowly and went back to playing with her dolls

"How you been"Jayda asked putting her focus on Ari

"Good I'm trying to stock up on inventory"Ari said looking up from her book

"Mmmm"Jayda mumble looking at Ari trying to study her face

One thing about Ariana she was going to be straight even if she was going through hell

"Jayda what you've been up too"Ari asked cutting the silence

"Me and Baby our moving in together"She said smiling she was so happy they were making this step especially after all they've been through

"Love to see it"Ari hyped swiping her hand under her chin

Ari was never a hating person she loved seeing her people win she's so supportive you would think she's obsessed

"We going out after Kairi leaves"Jayda said she wasn't going to take no for an answer

"We outsideeee"Ari dragged doing a small twerk in her chair


Dave sat in his room writing raps in his journal he's been in the program two weeks and hasn't felt any change

He felt as if the process was suppose to take a snap of a finger and he's all heal little did he know he was going to feel worse before he felt better

"Come in"Dave said to the knock at his door

"Its time for group"Maya spoke before walking out

Maya was a pretty woman but Dave's goal was to heal for his family and friends not any distraction

But Maya had other plans she wanted Dave and she was going to try everything just to get him

Dave sat down in the empty sit and looked up mugging he just wanted to be alone

"Okay today we aren't doing group I'm just going to assign today's workshop"Dr Martin said while standing up

"So today's assignment you and your partner will group up with 2 other people and learn 3 important facts that have caused them to need healing"Dr Martin said

"Next group session you guys will tell everyone how you would feel or react if you were in their shoes"Dr Jackson spoke while smiling

Dave couldn't understand why she was so happy what could possibly be exciting about people healing

"You guys are free to go"Dr Martin said before walking out behind Dr Jackson

"Let's group with Carlos and Amber"Maya said to Dave

He just nodded he anit really like the energy Maya gave off she seemed thirsty and stuck up

"Okay I'll go first"Maya said as they sat down in the backyard

"So when my sister Josie died I just let myself go I was making in the moment decisions I was allowing a man to control me i almost lost my shop and I almost lost my dad due to some decisions I made"She said looking down at her fingers

One thing about Maya she wanted to find herself again and live her best life for her and her family

"My son died because I was driving under the influence and ran a red light"Carlos spoke

" I've been drinking since I was 15 I started drinking to numb the pain around me my dad use to beat me and then he use to make me watch him and his girlfriend have sex and join sometimes"

I anit never really healed from that pain and brung it into my adult life"He finished

Carlos wanted to let go of everything he every endured in his life so he popped pills and drank him and Dave were alike in many ways

"My name is Amber ima keep it short I lost my dad at 10 to gun violence so I looked for love in the streets and drugs I'm just all around fucked up"Amber said lowly playing with her fingers

Amber was very much ashamed of everything she's been through or put herself through

"Speak up"Maya said mugging her

Maya was a bully if she could find your weakness she was gone use it against you

"Leave her alone if I heard her I damn sure know you did"Dave said stale facing Maya

"Thank you"Amber said lowly

Dave sent her a head nod and got up going back inside to his room he wasn't trying to be around Maya negativity

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