Part 6

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Olivia POV
i woke up in Luke's arms and he was shirtless with boxers on.he was so cute when he sleeps.i kissed him and he woke up and he had a sleepy voice. "goodmorning babe" he said looking tired. "goodmorning Lukey" i said with a little baby voice. "today is the day" he said sitting up. "I forgot,i havent packed yet" i said sitting up too. "we can stop by your house" he said not worrying. A hour pasted and Luke was ready and the tour bus was here. his parents werent coming with us so they said goodbye and Luke took his stuff to the bus and i walked behind him and Ashton and Michael and Calum were in the tour bus already. "hey" they all said. Luke told the driver to drive to my house and we got to my house and i ran into my house. "MOM IM GOING ON TOUR WITH LUKE FOR A WEEK" I yelled while going upstairs. "OK BABY WHEN YOURE ABOUT YO LEAVE COME AND GET YOUR MONEY AND GIVE ME A HUG" my mom yelled back. i opened my walk in closet and took my suitcase. my sister Violet walked in the room and looked up at Luke. "Omfg youre Luke from 5SOS" She looked happy. " i know" he said looking at Violet. "youre hot" she said with confidents. "uhh thanks?" Luke laughed. " Violet stop youre only 14" i said turning to Violet. "and why are you in my room anyways im going on tour with Luke for a week" i said packing up. "i wanna go" Violet said whining. "I know you want to but you have school"
I said closing my suitcase. "you have school too" she said pouting. "but I'm old enough to take care of myself and use money" i said with sass. "Calum texted me and said we have to go now" Luke said kinda feeling awkward. "CALUM IS OUTSIDE" Violet screamed. "yeah so we have to go right now" i said and hugged Violet. "text me if you need anything or you can text me about anything" I said pulling back from the hug. "i'll miss you Olivia" she said looking down. "i'll miss you too" and after that i walked to my mom room and Luke followed. "hey mom" i said walking in. "here's your money" she handed me $100. "thank you mom" i said hugging her. "Youre welcome,i love you" she said looking at look. "I love you too mom" i said. " thank you for letting Olivia come,i will take care of her,i promise Mrs.Grier" Luke said polite. "you're such a gentleman but thank you and please don't let her get in trouble" my mom said looking at me. "well Mom we got to go I love you" "i love you too". we walked out and Luke carried my things and we got on the tour bus. Calum was on my left and look was on my right. i got on my phone and stuff and we sang songs. "Olivia why don't you sing us a song" Ashton said. "because I'm not really a good singer" i said looking down. "come on please" they all whined. "fine" i said. "sing blank space by Taylor Swift" Michael said excited. i started singing the song and stuff and then i finished it and they all clapped. "Olivia, you were amazing" Calum said. "thanks" i said suprised. "can you please sing with us in the concert" Luke begged."i guess" i said shrugging. They cheered and stuff and a couple hours later i fell asleep.

-waking up-

Hope yall like it
-Ariel XOXO

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