unlikey attraction

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Beautiful Rich Guy:

Prim and proper, oh how chained!

To smile and laugh, though in pain.

Confined to the absurdity of society,

A lifetime of pious propriety.

Ex-Temptress of Poor Town:

Slave to the schemes of who should love me,

I rid myself of the binds, free I could be.

Through the alleys I run, and rivers I swim,

My life was dim, and joy I felt when I faced him.

Beautiful Rich Guy:

Damned I am!

Prisoner to humanity,

And now to those eyes.

I must concede to the knowledge of misery,

Who should I come to confide?

Ex-Tempress of Poor Town:

I have run away from home,

Oh how bitter does that taste.

It had been the worst of domes,

But that was all I had craved.

Warmth and solace of those who cared,

All I want is that, as he is who I stare.

Beautiful Rich Guy:

I prance to feed an illusion,

Selfishly, I direct my stance towards her.

A perfect crime, together a collusion.

Smiling, we would be the perfect verse.

Ex-Temptress of Poor Town:

He has seen me, as truly as I have prayed,

"My past is behind me," I chant to the heavens,

Afraid, as soon as my eyes were laid,

Devils choke my pace, "Would he beg to hear my sins?" 

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