The Garage (Mason)

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I lay on the sofa in the garage, it wasn't unusual that I was here thinking. It happened quite often if I'm being honest. Ruby was out somewhere with Jason.

"Mason, you in here?" I heard a quiet, calm voice say before the garage door slide shut.

I peered over, but my view was blocked by my and Jasons cars. He had taken Ruby out on the motorcycle.

"Yeah I'm over here." I responded.

Seconds after the words escaped my mouth, Frankie walked round the corner. I sat up and stared over at her. Her beautiful blonde hair wasl tossed over her left shoulder. She was wearing black converse, blue skinny jeans, a white belly shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"I've been looking for you all day." She stated, sitting down on the sofa next to me and leaning her head on my left shoulder. "I broke up with Jackson."

She looked upset, but her eyes told me otherwise. She stared into my eyes, her blue eyes were warm and comforting. She kissed me,but after a few minutes I pulled away. She looked at me like I had killed her family.

"Did I do something wrong?" She questioned me, sounding extremely insecure.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Did you tell Jackson about us? I don't know what to say to you." I explained, answering her question with another question.

She looked at me and opened her mouth. She hesitated. I looked at her and held her hand for comfort.

"I would never tell him about us, have you seen how protective he is over Ruby?" She asked, knowing I already knew the answer.

"I just wanted to know incase I needed to expect something for school. He does get agressive, but what's his thing with Ruby. She doesnt even know him...does she?" I asked as she looked at me.

She was holding something back, I looked into her eyes

"Tell me" I pleaded, giving her my puppy dog eyes look.

She hates it when I do that. She always complained it was her weakness.

She lay on top of me and began to kiss me, trying to avoid the question I had asked...

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