Reunion Day 4 - A ball to remember

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The ball's been in full swing for a while now, and we're all just enjoying it and finally being able to legally drink champagne really is quite the bonus. All of a sudden, the DJ started playing a slow song and I quote 'for all the lovebirds out there'. How original. Cheesy or not, all the couples started dancing together and others just randomly asked one another to dance. Of course, James dragged Cass towards the dancefloor, but even Fred asked Britt to dance and William asked Lucy. I can just feel James smirking at the back of my head and Fred is seriously grinning at me like a maniac. Merlin I hate them. "Dance with me, Zabini?" I stated more than asked Isi before leading her onto the dancefloor as well. "Such a charmer" she grumbled, but followed me none the less.


I was getting quite tired of not being able to kiss Hermione whenever I wanted, so when the DJ changed the music, I decided I'd put an end to this messing around. Hermione stood with her back turned to me, talking to her niece Paige and her husband on the other side of the room. "Can I have this dance, Granger" I asked her from behind. "That's Malfoy to you" she replied sassily. "Oh let me have this fun, it's been 18 years since I last called you Granger" I smirked. "You're an idiot" she laughed "Your idiot" I winked at her "Sorry to steal her away from you, but I already had to miss my wife long enough" I chuckled at the couple and escorted Hermione to the dancefloor. "Have I already told you how beautiful you look tonight?" "No, I don't think you have Mr. Malfoy" "Well then, Mrs Malfoy, you look absolutely breath-taking. Literally. And I love the colour, very Slytherin of you" I winked at her.


I pulled her closer and I laid my hands on her waist. She put her arms around my neck, but I couldn't help but notice a small blush creeping onto her face. I chuckled "Are you blushing, Zabini?" "Shut up, Malfoy" she quietly sneered as she covered her cheeks with her hands. I took them right back and put them on my shoulders again "Don't, you're cute when you're blushing" I flirted. This only resulted in her blushing even more. "You know, the only other time I saw you this red is when we got dared to kiss each other back in fifth year. You'd almost think you got a thing for me, Zabini" I winked at her. She didn't respond and turned her head away from me. "Wait... Isi?" I gently turned her head, making her face me "Isabelle?" "You called me Isabelle..." she muttered in disbelief "Well yeah, that's your name isn't it?" I chuckled. "Hey, talk to me Isabelle" I asked her with concern. I've never known this girl to be so quiet. "Fine, yes I like you" she whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "Wait, come again?" now I was the one not believing what I just heard. "Oh Merlin, I like you okay, I really like you. I think I've liked you ever since fourth year and then we kissed in the fifth and I knew it for sure ever since. And I know it's stupid cause we're practically brother and sister and I feel so ridiculous for telling you right now but yeah I guess I had to tell you one day or another but please just forget about it so it won't get all weird and awkward between us and..." she rattled on. I couldn't hold my excitement anymore and pressed my lips against hers. She froze when I kissed her like that, but she quickly kissed me back passionately. "Shut up Zabini, I really like you too" I muttered in between kisses.
"FINALLY!" I heard James and Cassie shout somewhere behind me. Great, once again we attracted an audience. "Took you guys long enough" James grinned. "James, mate, please take this in the best way possible, but shut the fuck up".


"Cough it up, Zabini" I grinned at Blaise, who had been dancing next to Hermione and I with Luna. He discreetly handed me the 50 pounds before turning back towards Scorp and Isi. "Oi, you'd better treat my daughter like the princess she is, Malfoy". Scorp grinned "I promise" he answered Blaise, but looked directly in Isi's eyes. I taught him well. "Isabelle Zabini, will you officially be my girlfriend?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of her. She nodded in response, before engulfing Scorp in another kiss. All around us whispers emerged "Malfoy?" "My daughter?" Oh well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now. "What did you expect, he's my son" I smirked at him. The whispers quickly turned into full out gossip because two of the most eligible bachelors turned out to having children. I put my arm around Hermione's shoulders and pulled her closer to me. "We're going to need a bigger table for family dinners, love" I joked and kissed her on her head. Of course we don't, but I wanted to make it obvious that I'm taken, especially for that Cynthia woman who claimed to be my fiancée. Speaking of, why haven't I heard any screeching in a while?

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