grandpa vs parents and siblings pt.2

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warnings: swearing, yelling, talking about drugs and depression
  word count:959 words

jordan's pov:
"guys." aaron called for us

we all walked over to his bathroom to see a shattered mirror with blood speckles on it probably from him punching it.

"this is what you guys do to gus." i said as everyone walked out of his room. leaving his parents to think about themselves

  we all sat down on the couch in the living room, while vinnie and y/n were still in gus's room and layla and kyndra were still playing and watching a movie.

after like 30 minutes, vinnie and y/n came out of the room

  they walked down the stairs "so what are you guys going to do?" troy asked them

"get our son back and help him." y/n said

i stood up with maddie "i hope it's not to late for you guys." i said to them knowing that probably it is

  gus's pov:
i walked to my grandpa's house, i knocked on the door

"hey gus!" my grandpa said with a smile on his face

"hi grandpa, how are you?" i asked him as i walked inside

"i'm alright gus and how are you?" he asked me

"i'm good." i said back "what's wrong?" he asked me

"idk i feel like mom and dad don't like me." i said "they're your parents gus, i'm sure they love you." he said

"i don't think so grandpa. atleast it doesn't feel like it. they like layla and kyndra more, what would they like about me? i'm a failure of a son, of a person. i have a face tattoo, i do drugs. my life is shit. all at 16. oh and my parents hate my guts." i explained to my grandpa

  "i see gus. well i like your tattoos, all of them. it doesn't matter what people want you to be or what they want you to act like. it's about how you look at yourself, and how you want to act, or how you want your life to be." he said

"gus, here's one thing that took me along time to figure out. what is your purpose in life?" he said to me

"and you don't need to answer, just think." he said as we stood up

  "thank you grandpa." i said to him
"no thank you gus, for always coming and seeing me." he said as i opened the door

"i love you grandpa, i'll talk to you later ok?" i said as my grandpa nodded his head

  "i love you too gus." he said

and with that, i was back on the streets.

where i lived, if you saw me you wouldn't expect me to live there. i live in a rich neighborhood with rich kids, where everyone is perfect well expect for me.

  i didn't feel like going home, so i went to jaydens house.

*a few hours pass- it's 1am, past his curfew*

"ayy bro this is sick! thanks!" i said to jayden as i looked in the mirror

  "it's all good! i like it on you." he said pointing out the piercing on my nose

"thanks bro! i gotta go!" i said waking out his door

  "bye gus!" he yelled as i ran home

i got home, i put my hood back up and walked inside to see everyone in the living room
"hi gus!" my mom said acting like she's fucking perfect

"hey." i said dryly "ayo gus, what's on your face?" J said

"a piercing." i said as i walked in the living room to grab my charger

"can we see?" my dad asked "nah, and why the fuck is my room door open?" i asked now pissed off

"we looked in your room." my dad said

"ya, i can fucking see that. you guys think i'm so stupid don't you?" i said leaving the living room

"gus can we talk to you?" my mom said making my eyes roll as i stood there with my hood on

"what could you possibly want from me?" i asked

what do they want? why do they care about me all of the sudden?

"well, first we are sorry for not paying attention to you, like we do with the girls
and two we are sorry if we caused you to fall into your depression state." my dad said

  i was pissed off, first they look through my things and now they care, their care came out of fucking thin air!

"sorry!? that's what you have to say is SORRY!? ya i would be sorry too if i put thought in my son's head that he's not good enough or that his parents hate his fucking guts!" i said but my dad cut me off

"quiet down, your siblings are sleeping." he warned me

"there you go again! it always about them! it's always 'how was your day layla?' 'kyndra let's go shopping' 'layla, kyndra you guys are our favorites.' GOD! why do you guys care all of the sudden!? because your guys finally figured out that i do drugs! that i shattered my mirror! that kick holes in my walls! or that i cry myself to sleep because of you guys! because last time i checked you guys probably didn't notice anything about me if someone didn't tell you! SO NO! A SORRY DOESN'T WORK!" i yelled at them

  "but you know it's fine. i don't need you guys, all i need is drugs and grandpa." i said walking upstairs crying

"it's to late, i don't know if you can fix what you guys broke with gus." jordan said to the 2 parents
i hope you all have a good day and are safe! i love you

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