I'M BACK!! So Ed, if you were in a food fight, what would be your primary weapon of choice? (Stupid question is stupid... lol)Ed: My weapon of choice for a food fight? Well...I'm not sure.
Al: Just pick a food.
Ed: No, wait! I'd just chuck milk at everyone! Then claim my victory on the table.
Al: -_- That was kind of unexpected... never would have thought you'd even so much as touch milk.
Ed: If it was for a food fight I would. Otherwise other people would throw the stuff at me.
Al: Good point...
Ed: See? I've got strategy.
Ask Edward and Alphonse
FanfictionAl: Yay! We finally get to do this! Isn't it great, brother? Ed: ... Al: Brother? Ed: ... Al: *sighs* We've talked about this, brother. Ed: ... Al: I think that someone broke him. Ed: .......WHO'RE YOU CALLING SO SMALL YOU COULDN'T TELL HIM APART FR...