The Rules.

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She had it, she felt like her life was going nowhere and she didn't know what to do anymore. She felt like she was going in circles, when it wasn't circles it was just at a stand still. Her day job was repetitive and her writing job was just not giving her the joy it used to; not to mention she couldn't think of anything good to write anymore. She tried to write a little bit hoping that something would come out of it but nothing.

One day she went out to clear her mind and take a walk around her neighborhood hoping maybe she would see something would spark her imagination. Though you would think that her day job at the theme parks would do that. The only problem is she remembers leaving her house and starting to walk but she doesn't remember anything after that until waking up in this black void she couldn't tell where the walls started or ended. She seemed to be in the center of a circle of doors. Each door is lit up by a light that seemed to come out of nowhere. Each door was unique, nothing like the ones next to it.

The first door her eyes land on is a Cabin door that seemed to have the smell of the ocean coming from it. This cabin door was worn but also looked brand new; it had a blue tinge to it and seaweed lining the edges. The door to the right of it looked like a hightech door. There was no handle to it. It was smooth and looked at metal. There was an electronic glow to it. Continuing to the right the next door looked like it belonged in a castle. It was a wooden door that came to a point with metal hinges and a metal doorknob. This door was really worn like it has been around for centuries. The next door was a door that looked like it came from a manor. It was more like double doors, nice wooden doors with beautiful windows, a light glow came from the other side. Unlike the castle door this was modern wooden doors. The next door was another set of double doors they were about the same size but older and had almost a heart like design on the top with vertical grooves on the bottom each door had a metal handle. The last door was a plain white door with a peephole. Above the viewer was the entails MM and below it the number 817. It looks like it came from a hotel or a cruise ship the handle had a spot to scan a card or something.

Each door interested her in a different way she knew that she probably had to choose one of them so she turned in a circle a few before approaching each door and looking at them more they looked the same on each side and like they didn't go anywhere but she knew that they had to go somewhere. Taking a deep breath she walked to the door that looked like it came from the castle and turned the knob.

"Are you sure that is the world you want to enter?" A voice asks

She turns to the voice to see an older man, long white hair and beard, his blue eyes shining with curiosity. He was dressed in a nice loose blue shirt and brown paints.

"Who are you and where I am?"

"You can call me Emrys"

"Okay Merlin where am I"

"You are a Clever girl but that is no surprise after watching your lives," He smiles at her.

"My lives?"

"Yes each of those doors lead to a version of you, but you won't be going in blind you have written each of your lives. You have a year to live out each life and choose where you want to be."

"Okay so let me get this straight I can leave my life that I'm currently living and live in one of these worlds?"


"And I get a year in each so I can decide better." She says thinking out loud now "What if I want to leave before the year is up?"

"That world will be removed from your choices at the end."

"And if I don't want to live in any of these worlds?"

"Then you will go back to the world you live in now."

"What happened to the version of me that's supposed to be there when I'm there."

"Nothing you just take over her for the time being, when you leave she is there to live with the choices you made, everything continues like you were never there."

"Will I be 24 in each world?"

"No your age and looks will change with the timeline and that version of you."

"Okay okay okay" She breathes out "One year to be one of my characters to choice where I will live the rest of my life."

Merlin just smiles at her as she walks away from the Castle door and walks to the cabin door that originally caught her attention.

"One year and I come back here?"

"Correct, that's the one you want to start with?"

"Why not if I'm correct in this world I'm like 12 here the rest I'm older. Well the Castle and the worn wooden door I could be 12 but I guess we will start with the one I'm sure about." She smiles before pushing the door open letting the light and the smell of the ocean take her over.

Okay Darlings lets take a trip to another world did we figure out where she started?  

Each chapter will be named by the Name of the OC I made for that world

I hope you like this. 


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