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Sorry this chapter took so long!


"Well, what about England, Phil? Will we still be friends there?" Alan asks as the four of you walk through the hotel doors.

"Alan, I already told you, it was in the heat of the moment, okay? We're still friends, all over the world," Phil says, checking his watch again.

"Even Great Britain?" 

"Yeah, mm-hmm," Phil agrees.

"What about you, Stu?" he asks.

"We'll see," Stu mumbles.




"Follow me," some guy in a black tuxedo says, standing up from a booth and walking in front of you guys. You, Stu and Phil questionably look at each other before just following the guy anyways, deciding that you'll do anything that can lead you closer to Teddy. He brings you into an elevator to a higher floor and to a table where a man is eating.

"Here you go," he says, stepping aside so the man can look up at you guys.

"Well! It's about time, sit down," he says, urging you guys to sit down in the seats around the table, so you do so.

"Wow, you guys look like shit," he says.

"Uhh, do we know you?" Phil asks awkwardly.

"Hey, take of your fucking hat. You're in a restaurant, for Christ's sake. Come on," he says to Alan, Alan slowly taking off his hat as Phil takes off his sunglasses.

"Okay, listen. Uh, we have no clue what's going on here—"

"You know, they sell a plum whiskey here. It's fucking unreal. Seriously, it was absolutely fuck you up," he says, cutting Phil off as he starts laughing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you guys already got fucked up, didn't ya?" he asks, laughing again,

"Uh, listen. I'm a little confused. How did you—"

"Yeah, you know what? I'm a little fucking confused. Where's Chow?!" he asks. Shit, Chow is starting to get you guys in more trouble than Alan did.


"Where is Chow?! With the fucking account code and the fucking password?!" he yells very loudly, hitting the table as he speaks and gaining the attention from the rest of the restaurant floor. He's actually kind of scary.

"We don't know anything about any codes. We're just trying to find our friend," Stu says calmly.

"Teddy," he says.

"Yes!" Phil says.

"Yes, Teddy! Have you seen him?" Stu asks.

"C'mere," he says to the guy standing behind him, snapping his fingers and getting the envelope from him.

"Hmm, let's see. Oh! There's Teddy," he stays, dropping some pictures in front of the three of you as you all look through them.

"Holy shit. It's from last night," Phil says. "Who are you?"

"I'm a business man. And I have invested a large chunk of capital in your friend Chow. And in return, he was supposed to transfer our profits electronically about," he pauses, checking his watch, "five fucking minutes ago. So, last night, we took Teddy as insurance."

"Oh my God, is he okay?" Stu asks.

"'Oh my God', I wasn't done talking. You tell Chow that we are having breakfast on the roof of this hotel tomorrow morning at 8 am. Now, if he makes the transfer, you will get Teddy. If not, well, then, hey, you know? It's Bangkok," he says, looking back down at his noodles.

the hangover pt II-phil wenneckWhere stories live. Discover now