Mission 13-The fruits at the hidden garden

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Alex is helping his younger sister at the house garden. Her younger sister founds a special strawberry on her field. She picks it up and shows it to Alex.

"Well... What do you know?" Alex said to her sister, "A special strawberry on the field."

"Yeah! Can I keep it?" Her younger sister replied.

"Um... Can we show it to our father first?"


Robert looks impressed about this information, he goes back to Wild Dog's base to call someone to get the special fruit that Alex and his sister found.

Robert calls Pesky on the phone call which will cause him to arrive at Wild Dog's office.

"Okay, Pesky!" Wild Dog said to Robert, "I want you to get that special fruit that one of the VSSE team grabbed at the garden."

"Okay, I would love to steal fruits that cause a lot of money." Pesky replied.

"No! Don't sell it! Just give it to me!"


Pesky sneaks on Alex's house but, Alex's sister locks the door before he was able to open it. He has no choice but, to climb the house walls using his toilet plumbers. Well... Did he made his attempt? No, he fall off the ground.

Pesky goes back 5 inches far before he rushes forward to any of the house's window causing the window to broke free and the alarm to go on. The VSSE team is been called because of the alarm sounds of Alex's house.

Alex goes down the stairs and he sees Pesky sneaking at his house without notice. The VSSE team arrived at the house too which will cause him to become surprised.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?!" Alex said to the people at the house lobby, "Get out of my house or I will call the cops!"

"Alex!" Keith said to him, "This isn't an invitation!"


"There is an alarm at your house that causes us to get called."

"You mean their is a criminal at my house?!"

"Check your surroundings Alex." Lance said to Alex.

"Well... I don't see anything." Alex replied after he sees the whole house.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I am 100%..." He replied back to him then, Pesky shoots Alex and the VSSE team with his hand gun, "Okay, there is a criminal at my house."

"Haha!" Pesky starts making an evil laugh, "You are just guessing!"

"Augh!" Alex exclaimed.

"Now off I go!" Pesky runs at Alex's sister's room to steal the special that they found in the garden. Her sister starts to scream after he gets attack by Pesky.

Alex runs to his sister's room while the VSSE team follows him. At the room, he founds his sister being tied up by Pesky.

"Hey! Hold it right there!" Alex said angrily but, Pesky escaped using his smoke bomb causing his sister and the special fruit to be gone.

Back at the clock tower, the VSSE team are looking for Pesky by using the computer scanner that they have in the map. Keith tells Alex about it because he is very mad for what Pesky did to his sister and to the special fruit.

"Hey!" Keith said, "I know how it feels."

"Yeah!" Alex replied, "But, it wasn't good enough!"

"Hey! Hey! Don't talk like that! VSSE agents doesn't quit okay."

"Yeah! But, my sister?!"

"Well look for her and your item as soon as we able to track him."


Once they found Alex's sister and the special fruit. They hop on to their motorcycles and track down Pesky's hideout. At Pesky's hideout he meets up with Robert and asks him to give the fruit that he is looking for.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Alex's sister said angrily. "That's not yours!"

"Oh is that so?" Robert replied.

"Me and my older brother found the special fruit! So give it back!"

"Ha! Not a chance!"


"Look young lady, if I gave the fruit to the pawnshop. I'll become more rich and the people will know more about me!"

"You won't get away with that!"

"Pesky! Kill that girl!" Robert said to Pesky.

Pesky grabs his hand gun to shoot Alex's sister on the head but, Alex punch him on the face causing his attack to miss.

"Back off!" Alex said to Pesky angrily after he punch him on the face.

"Oh! So you wanna play rough huh?!" Pesky replied angrily, "Then, bring it!" The troops appeared after his word.

The VSSE team fights off the troops while Alex goes after Pesky because he is the one who kidnaps his sister and the special fruit.

Lance's fight is performing a sweep kick and high jump kick at the troops. More troops appear behind him using their hand gun to shoot him but, he dodge the incoming bullets before he grabs his hand gun to shoot them back.

The troops tend to hold Wesley's back but, he kicks them one by one by using a leg sweep. The machine gun troops appeared behind his back causing him to took major damage.

Cathy fight off several troops by jumping off backwards first before using her machine gun to shoot them.

Luke and Marc dodge the incoming bullets by performing a side-step acrobatics. Luke grabs his hand gun while Marc grabs his shot gun. They fought bravely enough but, Luke's fighting performance was not quiet great. It is because the troops has bullet proof shields to defend their attacks from Luke. The troops fires at him causing him to took damage. Marc starts to exclaim after he saw them defeating Luke. The troops starts firing them off but, Marc uses his side step performance to dodge the bullets then, use his hand gun to fire at the troops behind him.

Alex and Pesky are still fighting while Alex's sisters uses his scissors on his pocket to break free from the tied ropes. When Pesky sees what she is doing, he shoots her hand to stop from doing so.

"Hey!" Alex said angrily, "Why did you do that for?"

"Your sister is breaking free from my secured rope so I gave her the tied support so that she can't barely move." Pesky replied.

"Feed!" He fires his hand gun at him but, he dodge the attack before he does the same thing to him and took damage, "Haha! Now you'll show mercy against your team and your sister!" He prepares to finish him off.

"Hey! Freak!" Keith shoots his shot gun at him causing him to took major damage.

"Ugh!" Pesky struggled.

"Give it up Pesky!" Alex said to Pesky angrily.

"Not a single dead body!" Pesky replied firing his hand gun at Alex and Keith.

Keith and Alex dodge the bullets that Pesky shot then, they fire their hand guns at his back and took damage and get knock out.

Pesky is sent to prison after they freed Alex sister with Pesky tied up on the chair before Evan calls the police to arrest him.

Back at home, Alex's sister gives her special fruit to him because she want to make her item as reward for rescuing her and protecting her especially the fruit of course against Pesky.

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