Important announcement

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Attention to all of my fans!  As you may know, I often leave this site.  Not leave as in forever, but as in long hiatus's.  And then I come back.  And then I'm gone again...

I have a book, some of you may know about my favorite ship.  That book has not been updated in a while...and that's an understatement.

However, as always, I shall never give up.  I'm lazy, I'm a procrastinator, and I hate working, but gosh darn it I'm an author and I'm not letting my career die so soon.

I'm going to be making a new book.  It will be episodic like the current one, but with a twist.  I can't tell you what it's about.  I don't want to get you all excited for something and then I decide to take another hiatus and dissapoint you all.

All I know, is that it will not be published, until it is 100000% complete, finished, and ready for veiws.  To say the least, it will take a while.  I will also be getting Animal Crossing New Horizons for Christmas, so that will slow down the project too, as I'll be playing that a lot lol.

As for my current book, do not worry.  I don't think I can fix it.  However...I can remake it!  It would be the same as it is now, however a bit different.  This message is long enough, so I'll explain more later.

Thank every one of you...who has kept me going since the very beginning...especially you, @Crackercruncher123, and every one of my almost 40 followers, who, even after my disappearance, still stayed by me, hoping I post again.

I won't be releasing anything for a while.  Mostly because of time, holidays, and I won't be posting the new book until I've finished it.  That way, you guys won't have to wait until I update again to see what happens, and I won't feel pressured to finish it just so you guys see what happens.

Who knows maybe I'll trash the idea.  But I have so many more ideas in my head.  But I can't speak any of it cause you guys might be waiting for something never to come.

All I ask is that you guys be a little more patient.  I refuse to give up on something I've been working on entire year?!  Jeez, that's gonna have to be a post of its own.  But I digress.

Thank you all for your endless amount of love and support.  Big things are coming, and I'm not done yet.  Even if it takes 100 years, I promise I'll never stop until I succeed.  As always and forever...

Bye, for now!👋

Cherry x Goldie:  ❤Heart of Gold💛Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora