Cinderella Stay Awhile (Off the Wall/Thriller)

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Also a hint of HIStory


"Now, Y/N, tell us again, how did you and Michael meet?" The interviewer was sweet enough. Very respectful and didn't ask the horrible questions usually asked to Michael and I.

"Oh, I love this story."


"Josie, can you help me with my dress? I can't grab the zipper with these gloves, and I can't take them off without a ton of hassle." I fix my hair in the mirror, double checking everything before I have to go out. I stand straight and suck in a bit out of habit and feel the fabric case my torso in a binding satin cage. I turn and smile at my friend and change my voice. "Oh thank you! You're more helpful than my mice friends. Have you seen them anywhere? I feel that they've gone to look for food." Josie rolls her eyes at me and gives my shoulder a playful shove. "Oh whatever Cinderella. Better get out there before wicked stepmother catches you being late." I gather my skirt to walk through the backstage area without destroying the dress. I glance at the clock posted for the guests and hurry a little in my heels to make it to my spot in time. In my haste I bump into a boy my age, his arms wrapping around my waist before I can fall too far into gravity's embrace. My eyes are wide as I take in the handsome stranger who saved me. He strikes me as familiar as I smile at him and go into character. "Oh thank you! I can be so clumsy! I guess I really need to stop running in these slippers! Have a nice day!" I make it to my spot on the dot, guests waiting for my, or should I say, Cinderella's appearance. I greet guest after guest. I sign and smile for every person who walks up to me. One of the last families in line contains my handsome savior. He stands with an older woman, an older man, a beautiful young woman, and a pretty little girl. I hope that he and the young woman are just friends, but I snap myself out of it quickly. It's not like I'm going to see him again, so why worry?

"Oh, hello! I'm so happy to see you again! Thank you again for saving me. You'd make a very good prince." The little girl giggles and teases at my savior, the other woman joining in. "Prince Michael. Has a nice ring doesn't it, Janet?" The older woman, I'm assuming to be one of their mothers, mediates. "Now La Toya, you know better than to tease Michael. Though he does look like a prince."

"Michael" bumps the woman, hissing out a "Shut it, Toya!" I giggle both to diffuse any tension, and out of genuine humor. "Yes, Prince Michael does have a nice ring to it. Would you like to have a portrait done with me? I would love to be in a picture with you all!" The group crowds around me, cheesing for the camera. After a couple shots, the two girls demand that Michael and I have our own picture made just the two of us. As we pose together, he whispers in my ear, "What time do you get off?" I smile at him, staying in character. "The spell is broken at two." We pause our conversation as the camera clicks. Giving me one last hug, he murmurs "Meet me at Space Mountain when the spell is broken." I smile and wave at the family as they leave, and greet the last of the guests.


"So you both met at Disneyland? How fitting is that?" Michael and I shared a look between the two of us. "Very fitting."


"So you mean to tell me that not only did you meet a cute boy while in costume but he wants to basically go on a date with you while at Disneyland?" I unpin my blonde Cinderella wig and shake out my natural hair as Josie questions me on my shift. "Yes, actually. He looks familiar, but then again, I see so many people in a day, I've probably seen him while in costume before. But he wants to see me at Space Mountain once I'm changed. His name is Michael." Josie makes a face at me through the mirror. "Ooh, Michael. Did he have 5 brothers with him? Maybe he's Michael from The Jacksons. If he is, remember that Jackie is my favorite, and I've got dibs." Now it's my turn to shove her. "Yeah, right. Why would the world famous Michael Jackson want to go on a date with a girl playing Cinderella. And he didn't have 5 brothers with him. He did happen to have a girl named Janet and a woman named La Toya with him. But I'm sure those are common names." I clean my space and give myself one last look in the mirror before heading out. As I exit, Josie calls out to me. "Remember, I've got dibs on Jackie!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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