Chapter Fourteen

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Today was the day, I was finally going to do it. I was so nervous. I had no idea what Y/N was going to say, but I felt like it was time to take that next step in our relationship. I was going to ask Y/N to move in with me. I felt as if it was time, time for us to become a real family.

I shook as I got ready. The nerves were very much getting to me. I was going to be picking Y/N up from her apartment and then taking her out to a restaurant that I had fully booked out, so it could only be the two of us. I wanted it to be right. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black suit. I told Y/N to dress formally as well as tonight was quite a big night. I wanted to celebrate, if it went well, if you know what I mean.

I was just about to walk out of the door before Hoseok stopped me. I looked at my friend confused. I was already late and whatever he needed to say was going to make me even later. "I hope you and Y/N have a great night, Yoongi." He simply just smiled.
"Thank you, Hoseok?" I was confused, I knew he was still getting over the fact that I broke the 'bro' code.
"No problem." He mumbled and walked off to his room.

I finally walked out of the dorms and got into the limo. I wanted tonight to be fancy. That's why I booked a limo. I was going to treat Y/N like she deserved, treat her like a princess. I asked the driver if we could stop off at the florist. I ordered a bouquet for Y/N, yesterday and all I had to do was pick it up.

As you can see, I had everything planned out. I got out of the car and into the florist. The lady gave me the flowers and I finally set off to Y/N's apartment. I texted her

I am so sorry for being late.

It's ok. I can't wait to see you though

I can't wait to see you either, Y/N.

As soon as I sent that message, I got to Y/N's apartment complex. I got out of the limo and went into the building. I went to her floor and knocked on the door. I hid the flowers behind my back. Soon enough Y/n came out looking beautiful. She was wearing the most beautiful dress that showed off her body perfectly.

I took her hand, with a smile and presented her with the flowers. "I got these for you, Y/N. I hope you like them." I blushed.
"Yoongi... these are beautiful. Thank you so much." She kissed my cheek and went inside her apartment.

Lia wasn't there tonight. She was staying with my parents in Daegu. Lia loved her halmoni and halabeoji Min. (Grandmother and Grandfather) When they found out that they had a grandchild, they were at first angry that I was never told about her and upset that they hadn't ever met her before. I guessed they would be, but when I explained the situation they started to understand. Lia got on so well with them. It was like she had known them all of her life.

When I suggested that we take Lia to my parents' house, Y/N was a little unsure because it isn't the safest of places. I had to assure her that Lia was going to be safe with my parents, that nothing was going to happen to our daughter. Luckily Y/N agreed and now Lia's bond with them is strong, not as strong as her bond with Y/N's mum and dad, but I knew that was because she had known them all her life.

Y/N and I walked out to the limo. When she saw it, her eyes widened. Y/n turned to me "Y-Yoongi, first the flowers and now the limo. It's all too much." She blushed deeply.
"You deserve nothing, but the best. This is only the beginning, my dear. The night is still young." I smiled, walking her over to the limo and opening the door for her.

Y/N just blushed. I found it adorable. I got in the limo next to her and we set off to the restaurant. I held Y/N's hand the entire drive there. She was silent the whole drive. I looked out of the window as we drove to the restaurant. Y/N put her head on my shoulder, which made me smile.

We soon arrived at the restaurant. I got out of the limo and opened the door for Y/N. She smiled and got out of the car. I took her hand. We walked into the restaurant. I opened the door for her. A waiter came over to us and took us to the best table there.

Y/N looked at me. "Min Yoongi, you did not rent out an entire restaurant just for me."
"I want tonight to be special and I didn't want people recognising me every five minutes either. Tonight is our night." I pulled out her chair for her.
"You really didn't have to do any of this." She looked at me.
"I wanted to do this." I put a hand on her cheek.
"You're lucky that I love you." She looked into my eyes
"I love you too." I quickly kissed her lips and sat in my seat.

A waiter came over to ask us what we wanted to drink. I asked for the finest champagne, to which the waiter nodded and went to get just that. Y/N just looked at me and shook her head. I shrugged my shoulders. She sighed and looked at the menu.

I took a deep breath. I was full. We had a nice meal. I hadn't asked her the question yet because I was still scared to and scared to hear what she had to say about everything. She could either love the idea or completely oppose it. I was hoping for the first one, of course

We ordered a desert to share. While we were waiting for it, I thought this was a good time to mention us living together "Y/N?" I looked at my girlfriend.
"Yes, Yoongi? What's up?" Y/N looked into my eyes.
"W-Would you like to move in with me?" I asked it to get it out of the way.
"Y-Yoongi...I would love to." Y/N smiled tearing up.
"Really?" I couldn't hide the gummy smile that was coming out.
"Yes, really." Y/N held my hand over the table.

The day finally came. We were finally moving into our new apartment. Due to my busy schedule and us wanting to find the most perfect place, it took us a year to finally find somewhere to live. It was bigger and in a very high end area. The schools around were friendly. Lia was going to hopefully make lots of new friends there.

When the members found out, they were sad at first because the members and I had been together for so long, but it took for Namjoon to talk it through to them. They soon understood and were happy for the both of us. I also had to tell the company and they said that it was ok, but we couldn't leave the apartment at the same time unless a fan saw us. I didn't really mind. I was just happy that I could live with the girl I love.

We carried boxes into the apartment. The members were helping us. Even Lia was helping, by carrying all her toys into her new bedroom. It took all day to get everything inside. When we were finally done, the members stayed for dinner which was just pizza that we ordered in.

A few hours later, the members left. Which just left me Y/N and Lia. We all changed into our pyjamas and Y/N was cuddling Lia on the couch. They were both falling asleep. I laughed slightly and put an arm around the both of my girls, my amazing family. Y/n looked at me sleepily. "babe, we should get Lia to bed."
"Mhm, I take her. You stay here and find something to watch on Netflix." I smiled softly, going to pick up Lia.
"Ok." Y/N yawned.

I walked Lia to her bedroom, laid her in bed, tucked her in and kissed the top of her head. Lia was out cold. I closed her door and went to the living room. Y/N had fallen asleep. I laughed slightly and pickled up the sleeping beauty. I carried her to our shared bedroom. I got her into bed and put the covers over her. I was about to lock everything and turn off all the lights when Y/N grabbed my wrist, telling me to stay. I told her what I was going to do. She nodded and let go.

I locked everything up and turned off all the electric things. I went back to our room and took off my shirt. I got into bed, next to Y/N and pulled her close. "Night Yoonie." She mumbled.
"Night Y/N/N." I mumbled before falling asleep myself.

A/N: One more chapter to go until the end of this story. Stay tuned, my children. :)

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